Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Consequences of Dwelling in Comfort Zones.

We are in a period when most people refuse to read or listen to an explanation of what is happening spiritually. The reason is that it usually involves negativity. Consequently, it primes them to believe the soothing words of demons spoken through charlatans masquerading as God’s chosen ones. That is always devastating. I cannot remain silent while people ignore the Holy Spirit and end up in disaster. A. W. Tozer once wrote when the herd is heading over a cliff, the sheep who saves himself must break away from the flock. How many people today have left the wayward herd to receive and obey God’s inconvenient and unpopular will? Not many. How do we know the flock is going over a cliff? Because many people who profess to be Christians are rooted in safe comfort zones rather than in God’s will. They must have glanced out long enough to recognize that if another reprobate becomes our president, their comfort, security, livelihood, and so on are in jeopardy. The goal is to maintain their “ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1) by whatever means and claim their decision is God’s will. Does it ever register with them that God does not roll back the calamity of the last days, that He adds to it until Christ returns?

I will only say this once because I prefer not to focus on Satan. Satan, the Devil, the wicked one, the old Serpent, the god of this world, controls the rulers of the darkness in this age (Eph. 6:11). Through them, he manipulates the power structures for his purposes. Along with near complete control of the Secular Realm, he has much control of Christianity, the religion. It does not mean that he has more power than God because he does not and never will such power. It does mean that the great majority of 2.4 million Christians in the world are weak, compromised, self-ward, and have a form of godliness without power. The Wicked One did not take control away from them. They willingly yielded to him the control that God gave them. Retaining it required more from them spiritually than they wished to produce.

Consequently, it is exceedingly possible we are in the last days.  Why does the majority of professing Christians believe they can defeat Satan with politics and overthrow the evil rulers of the darkness in this age? The answer is in their choices. They have chosen and defied a political warrior to preserve their comfort zones. They will follow anyone who promises to maintain their comfort. The crisis that should draw them nearer to Him has set them up for further separation from God. When they can no longer sense His presence, smooth-talking charlatans claiming to be God’s unique vessels will deceive them.

 Neither I nor anyone else intimate with God can ignore His will without losing the great fight of faith. What if Gideon had ignored God and went to battle with the 30,000 men instead of 300 men? Developing and maintaining faith in this dark period requires going beyond a comfortable degree and type of knowledge. Wanting only in God’s blessings is attempting to camp on the Narrow Path rather than walk it. I would guess that most professing Christians have chosen to believe in easy and safe things. They do not have supernatural faith because they do not want the responsibility. 

People do not appear to understand what the spiritual problem is. I frequently see memes and other posts on social media begging people to pray for the healing of our nation. Our nation does NOT need healing. There is no healing a nation overwhelmed with reprobates, apostates, and compromised professing Christians. Multitudes of people, including professing Christians, need to repent. The near-complete disregard for God’s truth prevents people from realizing how endangered they are. The majority of professing Christians blame secular people and their political party for the moral decay and degradation in our nation. The straightforward truth that people do not wish to recognize is professing Christians (never call them the Church) are complicit in the moral decay of our nation. Winning an election against the secular realm may keep moral decay at a manageable distance. It will not pause the works of demons in the secular sphere and weaving throughout Christianity.

Are the present generations of professing Christians facing a “Red Sea” option but choosing to reform “Egypt?” Ignoring God’s warnings is equally fatal. There is no bridge, road, or another path but God’s way. Only repentance gets us back on the narrow path. Putting ourselves first or following someone who promotes self-love weakens faith. It will quickly dissolve one’s relationship with God if not repented over. I must add that people are self-deceived and claim they are not putting themselves first when they are. Self-deception is a descent into an even deeper and darker bondage. It requires intentional sin to avoid obeying God. It is also why people avoid or reject the truth. Truth reveals rebellion, and that revelation is an invasion of negativity into their comfort zones. 

I must present a bit more uncomfortable and negative truth. There is no godly choice to vote for in the current presidential election. Many have rightly identified it as a battle between greater and lesser evils. The choice is between diabolical secularism and secularism conjoined with quasi-religion. Either way, America will continue to stumble into the darkness of the end times. Nothing will stop that tragedy but a spiritual awakening. That awakening will not be possible until Christians return to submission and obedience to God. If they cannot even recognize the period we are in and acknowledge the deceptive trap that lures them, how can they realize God’s will? 

Please sincerely and prayerfully consider the answer to the following question. Which candidate would Satan wish to win the election?

If the Democrats win, persecution will ramp up. Persecution will identify God’s people from the apostates. Some people may re-rediscover the necessity of prayer. Other individuals whose comfort zones were destroyed may return to God. Many professing Christians will compromise further to appease the persecutors.

If the Republicans win, charlatans posing as “ministers of righteousness” will celebrate. The victory will embolden them to become even more spiritually corrupt. The apostasy will make its final surge and seal the fate of millions (2 Thess. 2:11-12). We will likely witness ecumenism with the Roman Catholic Church and other religions.

No matter who wins, America will either be ruled by secular wicked ones or secular and religiously deceived ones. What few professing Christians wish to recognize is neither faction is going to make any difference in the demise of godliness. I am not telling people how to vote or if they should or should not vote. However, if people believe the “government of peace rests upon the shoulders” (Isa. 9:6) of their candidate, they are voting with sin in their hearts. Voting is a secular process. We vote for the individual we believe is best for leading the nation. Glorifying a presidential candidate is an embarrassment and an affront to Jesus Christ, Lord, Savior, King of kings, Messiah, and Son of God. It grooms them to vote when the time arrives for Beast Two, the lesser of two evils (Rev. 13). Consequently, many professing Christians are pointed in a dangerous direction. They are mingling with unredeemed people, compromised people, heretics, hirelings, false prophets and prophetesses, and other charlatans to choose a Messiah. Some otherwise godly Believers are not mingled in that group but are conflicted. They think that winning the election is worth whatever they must compromise. People call it “holding one’s nose and voting.” 

I cannot offer anything further except that God’s people have chosen to obey His will. Mock and shun them, but they will stand firm. People need to make their stand according to God’s word and will. It will require God’s favor to endure the great darkness and suffering to the Coming of Christ. Does anyone believe a political savior can provide that need?


  1. Erik Hansen

    Hello Brother
    My name is Erik Hansen and I came across your website and found it interesting that you had been in the A/G at one time as were my wife and I. Also found it interesting that you are no longer pretrib as are my wife and I. Knowing the church is going to face the tribulation.
    I would like to talk with you. I was hesitant to post my phone mumber
    I am a minister of the gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. We also have a small home group.

  2. Daniel M. Babcock

    I lead a Bible study once a week at my local Church. Attendance is spotty and you can count on one hand those you are regular. Church enrollment is about 100 and at most there is 10 on a good night for Bible study. I am 71 and amazed at long time Church members that are my age and the poor Biblical knowledge that they have. What is frustrating is no one reads or studies between the weekly classes and with the spotty attendance, people come to class without a clue as to where you are in your study. They seem to be stuck in their youthful and simple teachings from Sunday School. When I do manage to reveal a Biblical truth that is a new revelation to them, the look on their face is a combination of disbelief and amazement. I try to keep things simple and support the evidence of their new truthful revelation with supporting scriptures, they do not realize that the modern corporate Church has been compromised. I am only teaching this class because the younger folks the Pastor installed keeps quitting. I am not his first choice, but I have notice he will come as often as he can to my class and listens to my teaching. I have noticed that some of his sermons have reflected what has been taught in the class. I humbly say that God, Christ and the Holy Spirit is at work when I see Holy progress at work in this example. I do get discouraged at times, but I see hope and I humbly try to be God’s instrument in His Kingdom. It is for God’s glory, not mine!

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