Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

It is Time to Pull Back the Curtain.

The time has come to explain why our nation is in such a deadly dilemma. It cannot be blamed solely on Republican leadership or the scurrilous deviousness of the Democrats. How you vote does not matter—our nation will not survive either president’s leadership. Before I offer my opinion of the outcome, we must note why we arrived at this historical point.

The lion’s share of the blame is on Christianity. “As goes Christianity, so goes the world.” (The Church, Body of Christ, is not Christianity, the religion. Professing Christians who are carnal, worldly-centered, and unfaithful compose apostate Christianity. It is an egregious error to call Christianity “the Church.” It falsely accuses true Christ followers of apostasy.)

To be brief, the apostasy in Christianity ramped up dramatically about the middle of the last century. It never slowed down its push to evict faithful Christ followers as legalistic, self-righteous Pharisees. Entertainment and positive “preaching” took deep root. The Holy Spirit is currently identified as adrenaline. Anything or anyone in the meetings that causes adrenaline to flow is considered anointed. I could go on until this paragraph became a book. The result is church meetings morphed into flesh-pleasing entertainment and pulpitering that robs the soul. God is left out of the meetings, and the hearts of the people who attend become dull and distant from God. 

The bottom line needs to be clear. The cause of the great apostasy in Christianity is religious heresy and selfishness. By selfishness, I am not referring to egocentrism, which disregards the needs of others. I mean selfishness, which views God as only concerned with supplying our wants and making us happy and content. The god of apostate Christianity is not God Almighty as the Scriptures and godly people describe Him. He is not our servant, a Genie in the sky anxiously awaiting our requests for His services. He is God Almighty, a consuming fire, and He had better be approached with that in mind.

To be clear, God damns the “Word of Faith” heresy, the heresy infested Charismatic Movement, the New Apostolic Reformation, and numerous preachers, pastors, evangelists, apostles, prophets, prophetesses, seers, denominational leaders, hirelings, and other charlatans and heretics. They portray Him as subservient and susceptible to being ordered about by their beck and call (2 Thess. 2:10-12). If that does not bother people who are guilty of following and supporting such emissaries of Satan, I missed the target. I aimed to pierce their hearts, trouble their minds, pull back the curtain, and reveal the diabolical and deceptive magic at work. 

This is not a game—it’s a shame! Witnessing the gradual spiritual decay for over five decades, godliness replaced with meism, and preachers gurgling with self-promotion as Satan’s emissaries, does not compel me to pray for American Christianity’s protection from the consequences. It reminds me of the following verse.

“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” — Jeremiah 5:31 

The answer today would be, “Vote!” How about turn from your wicked ways? Why not humble yourself until you can face God and repent? 

This very day and every day that follows, millions of professing Christians continue to rejoice in the spiritual degradation that brought our nation to this predicament. Their choice in the election is like the choice between a televangelist promoting Contemplative Prayer and another one supporting “Christian” yoga. Will there be a lesser of two evils when Beast One and Beast Two arrive (Revelation 13)? 

I intend to be as clear as possible. Don’t blame Donald Trump for the political mess. Likewise, the Democrats are not to be blamed. If you leave the gate open and the deer or cattle eat your garden, don’t blame the deer or the cattle. Blame the gatekeeper. Christians are supposed to be the nation’s gatekeepers by praying, living godly, and being examples and influences to the secular world. Christianity has not held back the flood of wickedness because professing Christians were too busy reaping God’s blessings, or so they thought.

Turn around, find a mirror, look at your image, and ask, “Have I been fully surrendered to God, faithful in praying, and obedient to His will?”

How I weep as I write this! Few people will read it—many will condemn it. Professing Christians go about in spiritual rags that were once white linen. They pray like pagans and whine like spoiled brats about the danger of creeping despotism. But they refuse to repent and return to God. They post memes on social media asking God to “heal our land,” but our nation is not sick—it is wicked and rebellious to its core. There is no restoration without repentance. The ones requesting prayer for the nation’s healing use prayer as a talisman. 

I believe God’s Remnant realizes we have reached a critical eschatological period. If Harris wins, persecution of Christians will begin. Democracy will be replaced with a government system that eliminates voting. Under the banner of “world peace and unity,” our nation may join the other countries to form a one-world government. 

If Trump wins, Christendom will cause the final surge of apostasy in Christianity. We will likely witness Protestant ecumenism with Roman Catholicism. Pagan religions will soon join. God’s Remnant will be harassed and then persecuted for refusing to join the monstrosity of One World Religion. Choosing for evil one or two is choosing which of those two scenarios is most desirable. 

We knew the last days would, upon some generations, arrive. Predictably, those generations would deny that period arrived and search for ways to force-shift it onto the next generations. Many individuals are apathetic because they believe God will snatch them from the earth before violent persecution begins. Unspeakable persecution of God’s people has been occurring around the world for a long period. The “escape” by millions of Believers was death. We are warned by Christ and the Apostles, Paul and Peter, to be prepared to endure to the end. 

I plead from the depth of my soul—pray. Pray fervently, faithfully, and fastidiously for strength to endure. More people will enter hell because of apostasy than persecution. Persecution has always made Christianity more faithful and strong. As political sabers rattle, may our prayers like incense reach God’s throne.

I close by saying to the religious ones, you may ignore me and vote however you wish. You may hurl insults at people who warn you. Your bullying will include falsely accusing them of supporting secular wickedness instead of supporting religious apostasy. The truth remains that believing in a political savior when you have rejected the Lordship of Christ will not exempt you from prophetic fulfillment. 

Why wouldn’t they ignore the truth when, in self-delusion, they have ignored God? I am reminded of the following passage.

“With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” — 2 Chronicles 32:8 


  1. Steve Smull

    Excellent article! God Bless

  2. Stephen G Unger

    I look forward to your posts. Very few see what you have written about. The grieving in my soul is constant. Instead of understanding I am met with indifference, dismissal and rejection. Its either “Experientialism” or “Pseudo Intellectualism”, or a combination thereof.

    Maybe I’m missing something, I read that Truth and Love are mutually coexistent. You cant have one without the other in Gods view.

    “…ever learning, but never able to come the knowledge of truth”

  3. helen gray-schiera

    Cedric, I share your heartache for the fallen secular world, for apostate Christians and for the worldwide political systems. Yes, indeed, we must pray earnestly without ceasing while witnessing our unwavering Christ-like-faith before all mankind without respect of persons. (Romans 2:11)
    As a pre-trib. believer Cedric, I have never been ‘apathetic’ in believing God will snatch me from this earth before violent persecution begins. Nor do I know any true believer today believing that. All who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, RIGHT NOW AS BEFORE! On the contrary I believe all biblical Christians, before the rapture, will, have and are, suffering much like the saints of Hebrews 11. How could any true believer think otherwise. We are headhunter by Satan, always!
    Isaiah 5:20 is in full swing and woe betide the faithful for living otherwise.
    Jesus, I believe, will come and snatch that believing generation on earth at the time from the ‘wrath to come’.(1thess. 1:10) BUT nowhere in scripture does it say that generation will be on easy street before the Lord comes, that would contradict scripture. (1 Tim3:1-7 for starters)
    Let us walk spiritually hand in hand with the Lord, Cedric, in love and respecting each other’s differences, until we are with our Savior in heaven, the millennial reign and ALL eternity. How wonderful is the BLESS HOPE as we continue to suffer refinement in service for Christ Another heir-in-Christ Helen Australia

  4. James Brumbaugh

    Amazing article Cedric, I agree with you on all points. It is sad to see how far Christianity has fallen and how quickly it is accelerating speeding its way down the broad way.

    I have for a long time seen the decline of Christianity, it makes me very sad and angry at the same time. Where are the watchmen? where are the people on the wall crying out against apostasy and heresies entering the church at alarming rates? They have been lulled to sleep by the current state of the church.

    It is majority of the fault has to be placed on the church, it has lost discipleship, discernment, and a backbone. The church is now swayed by popular opinion, and peer pressure. There are many churches that have not bowed a knee to the altar of popularity and opinion, but they are few and far between. Wish we had one here.

    Thank you, dear brother, for the article and for your heart.


  5. erik hansen

    My Brother
    My heart also grieves as I watch and hear what is happening in the so called body of CHRIST. I have also said for a while that the problems in america are not the fault of the dems or the republicans but that the church is entirely to blame. As the church goes so goes the nation .My wife and I have few friends because of the stand i have taken against politics and following the news. JESUS CHRIST is not a dem or a republican nor an independent. HE is the KING OF kings and the LORD of lords.

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