Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Category: Eschatology (Page 1 of 2)

Sorrow Belongs to the Temporal Realm

Imagine the great sorrow to enter the Celestial City and discover that a son, daughter, Mom or Dad, Grandmother or Grandfather, husband or wife, grandchildren, or other loved ones, are not there. How can we be eternally happy in eternity knowing that they are in a place of torment?

That thought has plagued Christianity throughout the ages. The Roman Catholics came up with some false solutions and take advantage of people. Heretics altered God’s word to declare that everyone will be saved. Other ones tamper with the Gospel to reduce the qualifications for salvation to mere lip service.

The fact is that someone’s son, daughter, Mom, Dad, Grand parents, et cetera, will be sent to eternal hell. When they die we will likely know that truth and suffer much sorrow, unless we believe one of the heretical salvation scenarios. Furthermore, when we enter the City of God we will likely know who didn’t make it and have great sorrow. Otherwise, why does God have to wipe the tears from our eyes? Continue reading

China: a portent of imminent persecution

This article is the first of two articles that may be too severe for some professing Christians to read. It may actually not be severe enough. The fact is that many individuals have become so accustomed to the shadows and darkness that this sliver of light appears as a blinding spotlight. Many professing Christians live in low or no light. Other ones, and perhaps the majority, are for one reason or another hiding under a security blanket of apathy. Thus, I wish that it were a spotlight that exposed the truth so clearly that it could not be ignored.

It does absolutely no good to warn them if they will not hear. It does not profit them if the Holy Spirit reveals the signs if they refuse to see. Instead, they convinced themselves that they are okay and safe and adequately prepared to zoom to heaven before they suffer a scratch from the enemy. The problem with that theory is that well over half of the world’s Christians are under persecution. For thousands of them, there are no acts of persecution in the Tribulation Period that could be worse. One cannot more burned alive than burned alive. One cannot be beheaded more than beheaded. One cannot be deader than dead.

So either one believes and can find clear validation in the Bible that America Christians will escape persecution while the rest of the Body of Christ is raped, beaten, starved, tortured, imprisoned, burned alive, beheaded, hung, made homeless and without a country, et cetera, or he or she had better accept the truth. It is really a matter of choice between delusion and truth. Continue reading

Guest Commentary: The Assemblies of . . . God?

By Jim Fletcher

A controversy erupted this past week when Lighthouse Trails published an article by former Assemblies of God pastor Cedric Fisher.

Just ahead of the AG’s General Council (August 7-11 in Anaheim CA), Fisher notes some troubling trends with regard to Israel in official AG documents, including upcoming resolutions.

In particular, Resolution 3 gives pause to those of us who have always appreciated the fact that the AG overall has been staunchly pro Israel. I think of people like David Lewis, a champion for Israel. David was an AG evangelist for 50 years, but he’s been gone now for 10 years.

No one has replaced him.

In fact, whether it is AG influencers like Prof. Paul Alexander, or pastors with Pentecostal roots like Jonathan Martin, a sea change has occurred in the past few years: “Palestine” is now a thing.

Added to this troubling development is the infiltration of such communities by change agents like Brian McLaren (who cleverly networks with Pentecostals and Baptists, even though– my description–he is much more of a mystic and New Ager).

Alexander, Martin, and McLaren are anti-Israel, pro Palestinian speakers and authors.

Back to the AG resolution. I encourage you to go to the Lighthouse Trails website and read the documents for yourself, but essentially, Fisher says that a “peace and justice/peacemaking” theme has emerged within the Assemblies of God, and this does not bode well for Israel support.

I agree with him.

There are few sources willing to inform the laity what is really going on within Evangelicalism, but Lighthouse Trails does. There are a handful of individuals like Pastor Fisher who are willing to do that, as well.

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