Imagine the great sorrow to enter the Celestial City and discover that a son, daughter, Mom or Dad, Grandmother or Grandfather, husband or wife, grandchildren, or other loved ones, are not there. How can we be eternally happy in eternity knowing that they are in a place of torment?
That thought has plagued Christianity throughout the ages. The Roman Catholics came up with some false solutions and take advantage of people. Heretics altered God’s word to declare that everyone will be saved. Other ones tamper with the Gospel to reduce the qualifications for salvation to mere lip service.
The fact is that someone’s son, daughter, Mom, Dad, Grand parents, et cetera, will be sent to eternal hell. When they die we will likely know that truth and suffer much sorrow, unless we believe one of the heretical salvation scenarios. Furthermore, when we enter the City of God we will likely know who didn’t make it and have great sorrow. Otherwise, why does God have to wipe the tears from our eyes? Continue reading