Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Category: Ecumenism

Guest Commentary: The Assemblies of . . . God?

By Jim Fletcher

A controversy erupted this past week when Lighthouse Trails published an article by former Assemblies of God pastor Cedric Fisher.

Just ahead of the AG’s General Council (August 7-11 in Anaheim CA), Fisher notes some troubling trends with regard to Israel in official AG documents, including upcoming resolutions.

In particular, Resolution 3 gives pause to those of us who have always appreciated the fact that the AG overall has been staunchly pro Israel. I think of people like David Lewis, a champion for Israel. David was an AG evangelist for 50 years, but he’s been gone now for 10 years.

No one has replaced him.

In fact, whether it is AG influencers like Prof. Paul Alexander, or pastors with Pentecostal roots like Jonathan Martin, a sea change has occurred in the past few years: “Palestine” is now a thing.

Added to this troubling development is the infiltration of such communities by change agents like Brian McLaren (who cleverly networks with Pentecostals and Baptists, even though– my description–he is much more of a mystic and New Ager).

Alexander, Martin, and McLaren are anti-Israel, pro Palestinian speakers and authors.

Back to the AG resolution. I encourage you to go to the Lighthouse Trails website and read the documents for yourself, but essentially, Fisher says that a “peace and justice/peacemaking” theme has emerged within the Assemblies of God, and this does not bode well for Israel support.

I agree with him.

There are few sources willing to inform the laity what is really going on within Evangelicalism, but Lighthouse Trails does. There are a handful of individuals like Pastor Fisher who are willing to do that, as well.

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The Way It Used To Be

“When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.” – Psalm 42:4

We have all heard and engaged in conversations about how life used to be.  The elders can tell some fascinating tales of no running water, of walking miles on a dusty road to the store, of freezing cold winters, frost so thick that it looked like snow, and a single pot-belly wood stove for heat.  But those were still the good ole days, deemed such because life seemed simpler and better.  The elders were respected, children more obedient, people kinder, compassionate and honest.  Hedonism existed only in the largest cities and only at night.  There wasn’t as much on TV, but there was more of what mattered in people’s hearts.

Today, the world is a dangerous place, and wickedness rules the night as well as the day.  Our children and young people are under vicious attack by liberalism’s ripening and poisonous fruit.  There is virtually no sector of society that has not been invaded and infected by the toxic atmosphere being made ready for the Antichrist kingdom. Continue reading

What to Expect in 2016

Over the past few days, the “prophets” are at it again, prophesying great things for 2016.  They have completely ignored the failure of their prophecies for last year.  There was a substantial degradation of Christianity and significant advancement of evil in society in 2015.  The “blood moons” prophecies were a flop.  In the degradation department, Hillsong Church’s (London) Christmas program won top ranking for blasphemy, especially their rendition of Silent Night.

Therefore, it is essential to ignore the prophets that are prophesying peace, miracles, prosperity, and a great end-time revival for 2016.  They are lying prophets who have no connection to God.  If they were true prophets, they would be warning the people.  To counter their pompous prophecies, I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to write about what to expect in 2016. Continue reading

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