I have been writing about the great and final apostasy for many years. There are many examples of nominal Christian (think, Episcopalian) churches succumbing to it. Additionally, we can see the dark orb of apostasy rising in evangelical denominations and certain megachurches. No need to look further than Oprah Winfrey’s list of “awakened leaders” to find a collection of apostate pastors.
However, some people react negatively when I tag one of their favorite leaders as a heretic. But do they really know those individuals? They know only what they see on TV and what they read. I concede that some of them at times preach truth. However, as I have pointed out before, Satan will give you a boatload of truth if you will accept a spoonful of deadly poison. Even the proverbial wolf knows that he must use the skin of a sheep if his deception is going to be successful. And the tare appears as the wheat.
The question arises, “Then how can we know when someone is not of God?” Christ declared that the only way is by their fruit. However, they dispense their bad fruit cleverly, by small increments, and disguised as the “bread, meat, and milk” of God’s truth. Thus, Believers need to develop discernment. When the bad fruit manifests, they should loudly cry, “Wolf!” At the very least they should avoid that individual’s influence. Continue reading