Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

When the Bubble Pops

BubbleBoySo much is going on that it is overwhelming God’s people.  We have to be alert and we cannot be slack in praying.  The secular and religious realms are rapidly approaching critical mass.  We could witness historic and catastrophic events in either realm at any moment.  It would begin a very harsh period that most professing Christians will not survive with their faith intact.  The reason is because they have buried their minds in the world system, willfully apathetic and ignorant.  The reason for that fatal decision is because what they saw and heard was too painful for them.  They realized that to face it, strengthen their faith, and be prepared for what was at the end of the logical road, would cost them loss of comfort, the sense of security, reduce their playtime with the world system, require them to pray, to become more dedicated to God, and it would cost them their spot in the religious bubble of false reality.

These “bubble Christians” dismiss every voice of warning, every bit of eschatological information, and even the urgings of the Holy Spirit, because of the popular sentiment that Christ has exempted America from any severe suffering.  It matters not what ones Rapture position is, there is no doubt that the period entitled “Tribulation” will not just start up out of the clear blue.  Events leading up to that brutal period will themselves be harsh and very demanding.  Most Christians in the rest of the world are already experiencing harsh tribulation.

Consider that just the corporate apathy of millions of Christians is contributing both to the severity of the coming storm and to the rapidity of its arrival.  At the present, outrage is nearly dead because of apathetic Christians.  Like a dying animal, outrage lifts its head and moans when the SCOTUS commits judicial tyranny.  In a few days, all is forgotten.  The process has been repeated after every atrocious misdeed over the past 6 ½ years.  The length of outrage reduced with each manifestation of its pathetic moan.

Apathetic professing Christians are responsible for this disgraceful response to evil, and more.  In an interview with Charisma News about his newest book, “Implosion”, best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg said, “The American church is so filled with false teaching, heresy, apostasy, entertainment culture, apathy and spiritual drift that I think the No. 1 problem facing America is a weak church.”

Of course, I strongly disagree with throwing the blanket term “church” over all that masquerades as the Body of Christ.  The proper term is Christianity, the religion.  It is impossible for the Church, the Body of Christ, to be heretical and weak.  That said, Rosenberg’s analysis is an understatement.  American Christianity is guilty of all those things plus, homosexuality, adultery, New Age paganism, ecumenism with Roman Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, and other false religions, leadership-sanctioned wickedness, Seeker, Emergent, and NAR destructions, flagrant witchcraft,  obsession with wealth and malignant materialism, and spiritual rot in its leadership that defies adjectives to fully portray.  Discernment is at its lowest ebb while toleration for evil is peaking.  That “bubble” is going to break.  They will pay a severe price for what they are enjoying now

The question is, “When will the bubble break?”  The answer is, “When events become too vile and brutal to ignore.”  Before that occurs, there will be more deception with greater intensity.  Deception will increase with false prophets whose prophecies will come to pass.  They will prophesy of events, and the events will occur.  They will produce great lying signs and wonders.  They will appear to work miracles, healings, deliverances, and even appear to raise people from the dead.  As a result, professing Christians obsessed with signs and wonders will flock to them.  Many will be led into the state of fatal delusion.

At some point during the implosion in Christianity, the world economy will collapse.  This will be the catalyst for the transition to a global cashless, digital economy.  During the period of transition, everyone will be required to surrender their cash for digital points or lose it.  Cash will be declared as worthless beyond a certain date.

The centralization of economic power will have several effects.  First, it will necessitate a global government led by a panel of individuals, and eventually, a one-world leader.  The United States will surrender its sovereignty as will every other nation.  Our democracy and Constitution will be replaced by a global socialist government.  Our flag will be replaced by a one-world flag.  The president will become a subordinate of the Global government with no limit to the term of office.  Guns will be confiscated.  Anyone not complying will be severally penalized economically and otherwise.  Everyone will be required to pledge support to the global government.

Christianity will be made illegal as a stand-alone religion.  There will be a global religion consisting of a merger of all religions.  The False Prophet will eventually become the leader.

The next step will be the effort toward world peace.  Conflict between nations will cease.  The world leader will determine that Israel is the last remaining obstacle to world peace.  Israel will reject their demands to pacify Muslims.  The Global government will bring all of its force against Israel to force it under submission.  I believe everyone knows how that will end.

This is not a time to live in a bubble.  It is not a period when one can afford any measure of apathy.  The “bubble” will break and harshness will overwhelm everyone inside.  It will be very difficult if not impossible to stand at that point.  The time to prepare is long past, but it’s not too late.  The first step is to wake up and accept truth.  One day the heavens will fall silent except for two witnesses.  There will be no further warnings.  One must hear and react while there is time.  No amount of weeping and regret will change the situation when the door to heaven slams shut.


  1. Mary Rhew

    Exackly! May we hide Gods promises in our hearts. And stand strong in our beliefs. MayGod give us the grace and strength that we will need to stand for truth.

  2. Dan Mace

    I know this is an older post of yours, but I’ve only recently starting reading your posts. So….
    Christians have allowed themselves to become weak and therefore led astray by every wind that blows them around. Christianity has suffered MAJOR blows, the body of Christ seems to have become quite ill. I don’t mean this in a disingenuous or sacrilegious way. We have so many “Christians” who have been swayed this way and that by false teachers, false evangelists, false doctrines and misguided interpretations of what picking up your cross daily means….it’s absolutely mind blowing what I’ve seen happening in our churches and this country. Now don’t get me wrong, my righteousness is as filthy rags before God Almighty. When did we leave the teachings of the Bible and decide to listen more than read? When did we decide that the prayer of the righteous man was just as effectual as the prayer of the one who decided not to shed the things of this world? When did we as Christians decide that being covered by the blood of Jesus, gave us license to participate in everything the world has to offer. Forgive me for rambling but I see too much dissension about timing (rapture) and no fear of the Lord anymore. Bare with me because my comments are few and far between. I preached a sermon where I described the “American Christian”, if it’s to long, feel free to stop reading. I do have a point at the end…..

    The American Christian begrudgingly wakes up Sunday morning, dreading the battle to come. He struggles to get his family up, wrestles with them all morning finally getting them in the car and headed for church. On the way they listen to a rousing round of a man singing about how he’s on a “highway to hell” and nothings gonna stop him. They get to church late and sit in the back hoping no one noticed. Mom looks like she’s deep in prayer but she just can’t take her eyes away from her i-phone. Dad sits there and grieves the Spirit the whole sermon because he can’t take his eyes off his watch. Finally the service ends, late as usual. Dad shoves everyone into the car and speeds off down the road headed home. The kids are complaining about the music, they don’t even know who Mr. Crowley is, so dad changes the station and puts their music on. The kids start singing as a seductress of Satan sings about how she “kissed a girl and likes it”. They arrive home and everyone heads off in their own direction. Mom goes into the pantry and grabs a box of wine and heads off to the bedroom to watch a few hours of “gossip girl” and “greys anatomy”. Junior runs off to his room to play hours and hours of World of Warcraft, and Call of duty 5, and Demonslayer4. Their young girl saunters off to her bedroom to let Facebook occupy her every blink with the unending junk on it. Dad’s learned his lesson from last year. This time he has a six pack because there’s no way he’s going to miss the super bowl halftime show this year. Where they’ve openly and unabashedly, worshipped Satan for the last ten years. Finally the game is over, and dad decides to take the family out to the show. And why not? He cheated God and only put 2 percent in the offering plate so he has the extra money. Once again the family is corralled into the car, dad can’t stand to hear another Eminem song so he switches stations again. And a good ole country boy sings about failed relationships and how he’s so glad that “rain makes corn and corn makes whiskey”. They arrive in time for the show and the family sits together and absorbs more filth, more murders, more adultery, more homosexuality, the very best that Hollywood has to offer. As they head back home, mom takes control of the radio. She wants something more subtle, more wholesome so she finds a station playing Carley Simon. A woman who in 1978 told Detroit Monthly magazine “of course I believe in God. We’re all gods, you just have to take the time to find the god in you.” They get home and mom sends the kids off to bed, “get your rest, you need to be awake when the school helps you decide if you’re a boy or a girl”. And mom and dad head off to the bedroom, and turn on HBO and watch “Game of Thrones”. Because they just haven’t gotten enough filth and they need just a little more. And about 10 min. before the show is over dad looks at mom and thanks God she’s asleep. Now he can head out to the family computer and watch hours and hours of pornography. And as sleep slowly overtakes he goes back to his bedroom and gets in bed next to his wife and thinks to himself, “This wasn’t that bad of a day, thank you Lord”. And sometime, in the near future, this American Christian will lift up the bread, that represents the body of my Christ and put it in his mouth and defile the body of Christ. Then he’ll lift up the cup, with the shed blood of my Jesus in it and drink damnation to his soul. And somewhere in heaven, the angles around the throne, turn their backs on the Son of God, because they can’t bear to see Him cry out to the Father “Why…….why won’t they love me.”

    Now you’ve endured this long rant let me make my point. I want a pre tribulation rapture….desperately. But I’m deeply concerned as to how many of us (Christians?) would go. Will Christ meet us in the air and say “Is this all??” (allow me sarcasm). Now no one wants the thought of going through hardship or even death. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it might be needed to shake us up a little and get us back to a life of Holiness unto the Lord. “Without spot or wrinkle”, brothers and sisters……we look like we’ve gone mud bogging. No matter which version of the rapture you believe, I think the more per tenant question is this, are you truly ready?
    (forgive the length of this)

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