Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

The Shadow Makers

There is a tally known only to heaven of the many souls that perished from lack of knowledge.  In spite of that tragic fact, people still rely heavily on other people to know what they should know.  It’s like they depend on human smoke alarms (spiritually speaking).  If Satan comes snooping about, they expect the “alarms” to go off.  In the physical realm the alarm doesn’t sound because the batteries are dead or it has exceeded its lifespan.  In the spiritual realm it is because of a several factors.  Either the “alarms” are not armed with knowledge, or they have joined the enemy, or they are intimidated into silence.  Whatever the case, the “alarms” are not sounding and people are walking head-on into deadly deception.

Who else can warn them but people who are witnesses and and have experienced the true fire?  Those faithful witnesses are often aged because the degradation of Christianity has been occurring for decades.  I perceive a full-orbed view of decaying Christianity because I have been witnessing the degradation for nearly four decades.  It is a sad state of affairs.  Individuals recently coming into Christianity believe that the decay is normal, thus the further decay is progress.  They believe that the faithful witnesses are just old, traditional, set-in-their-ways Christians that hate change.  To some extent that may be true.  However, this is not about the type of change that normally accompanies the passing of the torch from one generation to another.  The fact is, the torch was dropped.  Its flame has gone out.  And a new generation deviated from divine order to pick up the strange fire of heresy.

Most pastors are not equipped to warn them.  There are diabolical operatives working on the people they were given charge to feed and protect.  They see IF:Gathering, or Nines Conference, Bethel Music  (or some other Bethel extension), plus a full on assault of numerous ‘teleheretics,” but they truly don’t know what they are looking at.  They are witnessing people being led down the primrose path to bondage and think, “Wow, they’re really having a great time!”  The ramifications of this anomaly is a great apostasy swelling with innumerable professing Christians that ought to have known better.

But they don’t know.  They are ignorant because the emphasis today is on the temporal realm and how “self” can enjoy it to the fullest with maximum comfort.  And I’m not saying that a pastor should carp about everything that is attacking Christianity.  If he warned the people about everything, he have no time to preach and teach the milk and meat of God’s word.  But he has to know certain things, and most importantly, he must equip and prepare people to recognize evil disguised as good.

In the cases of IF:Gathering and Nines Conferences, they are operating covertly by the use of technology.  Sailing under the radar, and as internal parasites, they are infesting groups  within the local church via the internet and spreading out into local communities.  Most pastors are unaware of their presence.  When they have lured a significant number into their deception, the local churches will be too infiltrated to survive.  The numerical value will still be strong and may even increase, but any opportunity for distributing truth will be lost.

This is a dark period.  It is not business as usual.  Any pastor that believes that as long as people are attending, are involved, and the Sunday morning meeting is interesting, all’s well, he is mistaken.  No matter what church, what town or city, denomination or independent, how well it is thriving numerically and financially, every church in this nation is being infested by powerful and dangerous heresy.  If leaders do not wake up and begin educating and equipping their congregants, one day they will stand in the pulpit and minister the Gospel as usual, and they next day they will be dismissed and replaced. Don’t think so?  It has already happened.

Truth is not tolerated by the swarm of heretics and their beguiled followers.  Deceived professing Christians are rejecting the alarms.  Do pastors believe that after a significant number of people in a congregation has ingested popular heresy they will not have to “adapt” to remain in their positions?  “Adapt” means compromise; to find a happy medium, agree to disagree, to mix light with darkness.  Thus, some pastors have already morphed from light bearers to shadow makers.  They’ve managed to keep their positions and income, but at what expense.  Now they must either walk on eggshells when they preach, or throw all caution to the wind and placate the apostasy.  They must make up their minds, and defend their decision with the fortitude of the Holy Spirit’s anointing, that they are going to speak and defend truth while exposing darkness.  The choice is clear; be a bearer of light, or a shadow maker.


  1. P J

    I agree that a pastor needs to know certain things(the deception) to equip and prepare people to recognize evil disguised as good. My husband prepared a seminar on the deception last year at the church we were attending at the time. The pastor shut it done right while my husband was speaking saying the information was too evil and dark. That was the whole point of the meeting to expose the how the deception has creeped into the church! Now we are preparing ourselves at home to be used to inform those who want to hear. A couple attending that seminar got in touch with my husband last night wanting to hear the truth. They recently attended a Bible study teaching on contemplative spirituality. We will meet with them and expose the apostasy that is currently happening in the church. Thank you for your website! I read it and Lighthouse Trails Research everyday.

    • C.H. Fisher

      Thank you and your husband, PJ, for standing up for truth. We are in a seriously dangerous period where professing Christians are apostatizing in large numbers. Pastors that refuse to allow truth in their churches prevent light from exposing darkness. They have no business pastoring. They should consider going into public relations.

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