Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

It’s Not Right Until it’s Right

The world appears to have gone crazy, but that’s not really the case. Instead, we are seeing a well-orchestrated effort from people who hold one common view, and that is, fermenting hatred for true Christianity and Christians in particular. They hate everything true Christianity stands for, i.e. God, truth, righteousness (or moral absolutes, whichever one prefers), and they especially hate the idea of sin and judgment. For a long time stretching back eons through history, rebellious mankind has been trying to find a way to get rid of the God of Israel who is also the God of Christians. Their hatred has become so obvious that they have been attempting for some time to cover it up by diminishing the word hate. Of course, the best way to diminish it is to overuse and misuse it. This they do by attempting to brand the people of love as hateful, and themselves as lovers.

Well, this they have done to such an extreme that hate and hatred is becoming weak and ineffective to describe the deeds they are guilty of. Well, that’s about to end. The fact is, there is no other word in the English language to adequately describe what hatred describes. Likewise, there is no other word to adequately described what the word love describes. Of course, the word love has also fallen on bad times from misuse and overuse.

However, let’s consider hatred because it is the word being used to promote intolerance, to hide the outrageous oppression of certain hateful factions, and as a tool to set up other oppressive and unjust laws against Christianity. The United Nations now wants to ban antiabortion groups as terrorists. Some countries, such as Canada, have banned certain Christian values as hate crimes. Freedom of speech is being challenged in America concerning speaking the truth about Islam or homosexuality.

Is it really hate to speak the truth? Is it really terrorism to be opposed to the slaughter of nearly 60 millions babies? Is it hate to warn someone about the danger of eternal judgment whether it is about homosexuality or pedophilia? What about speaking the truth about Islam? That’s what those folks claim who wish to use a most powerful word (a word that describes brutal, murderous, rage against a fellow citizen of this planet) as the word that describes genuine love.

To unravel the twisted vine of deceit that obscures the true intent of the word perverts, let’s consider a few other words that have been in the spotlight lately. How about good. Can anything be good when it’s not good? Have you ever attempted to eat a meal that wasn’t good and had no word to describe it? You might want to call it bad, but bad is often used to identify something or someone good. The word sick is now in vogue to describe something really good. Then what good is good? We need the word good so that we can use the word bad properly.

Let’s also consider the word right. Can anything be right when it’s not right? What word would you use if your car came back from the mechanic and it was not repaired properly? Wrong is of course the word used to describe something or someone that is not right. We need the word right, like we need the word good, and we need them to be free from contamination of overuse and misuse. Everyone knows, whether they will admit it or not, that good is not good until it is good, and right is not right until it’s right. If that is not true, then we have no way to describe who or what is wrong in this world and who or what harms us.

That brings me back to the word hate. Can anything be love unless it is love? How would you describe the actions of someone that used violence and abused you as if you were worthless? You certainly could not truthfully say that individual was loving you. You need a word to describe what they are actually guilty of. Of course, if they are not manifesting the qualities of love, then it must be the qualities of hate.  One can hate love, but it is impossible to love hate.  The accusers of God and Christianity actually hate love.

Therefore, someone who disagrees with you is not hating you. An individual that tells you the truth about your sinful condition is not hating you. When I because of a holy nature cannot tolerate the murder of innocent babies, that is not an expression of hatred, but of love. The moral absolutes that God has woven into my heart when I received His Holy Spirit compels me to tell the homosexual and lesbian that he or she is not in good standing with God. That is not hate, but love. When I point out the fact that Islam compels its followers to kill innocent men, women, and children, that is not hate, but love.

The clear truth is that people who commit wrong are not right and cannot possibly be thus. They are not right when they accuse people of hatred who speak the truth about sin. In fact, it is impossible for those accusers to be right because they exemplify the very essence of wrong. Even if they silenced every voice on this planet that called their sin what it actually is, they would still be wrong. The reason is because right is right and wrong is wrong, and it cannot be any other way. The people who misuse the word hate do not manifest love. They claim they have love because they accept abortion, homosexuality, and Islam, but that’s not love. It cannot be love because it clearly fit’s the description of hate.

Please allow me to explain further. The truth is that when God sent His only Son to this earth to die for our sins, according to the Apostle John, He was just being Himself.
“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

To understand completely, consider that God is love. That does not mean that God simply has the emotion or quality of love, but that He is love itself. God is love and everything that opposes His nature is hate. The evidence is found in the term righteousness. God’s word could have used the term “rightness”, but that might simply mean someone who has the quality of often being right. The term “righteous” along with “ness” is much stronger word. The suffix “ness” means, “state, quality, condition, or degree.” The suffix “ous” means, full of, abounding in, possessing the qualities of.”

Therefore, the term, “righteousness” means the source of right because it is the strongest possible term to describe “right.” It means that God is right just as God is love. He is always right and always love because that is His essence, His nature. Therefore, anything that does not agree with God is always hate, and anything that does not agree with God is always wrong. Therefore, hate cannot be honestly and truthfully applied to true Christians who speak the truth against wickedness. Instead, it actually describes the ones who are misusing or overusing the term to cover their evil deeds and cast what they are guilty of on someone else. Beyond any shadow of doubt, it is not hate until it’s hate, and it is not right until it is right.

God, who is the epitome and essence of love and right declares that no one who walks in darkness loves Him. He also declares that no one who hates humanity has His love abiding in him. How much less does one love God who will murder a baby? How can one love God or his fellow man that abuses God-ordain manhood? How can the love of God dwell in people who slaughter innocent men, women, and children? In the Bible, Jesus Christ the Lord declared that Satan has only the nature to lie, kill, steal, and destroy. Satan is not right and can never be right. Additionally, no love abides in Satan.

God is Right even if the entire world decides to be wrong. He remains Love even if the whole world decides to accept and practice hatred. One day He will send His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior, who will come in flaming fire taking vengeance on the ones who do not know God, and that do not obey God’s word. On that day, Right and Love will reign. Wrong and hate will be banished to eternal hell for eternity. Before people decide to join wrong and hate in a godless attempt to swap places with Right and Love, they are advised to consider that because God is Right, He will judge and destroy everyone who follows Satan and practices the works of darkness. That is the truth in love. To call it hate is satanic. Of course, the Lord Jesus Christ declared that He is Truth.

1 Comment

  1. Diana

    This reminds me of an incident on an airplane where I got in a discussion with a secular Jew: somehow we landed on the topic of “good” vs. “evil.” “I don’t believe in the term evil,” he scoffed. “No, of course not, bec. if evil really exists, it implies an objective standard by which it can be measured, and that requires Someone who dispenses the standard in the first place, which implies that we would have to bend to His rules. And THAT, you do not want to do.” If we can eliminate the concept of evil, then we can go ahead and kill our opponents, fornicate endlessly and then slaughter the fruit of our fornication, experiment to our hearts’ content on live humans (be they born or not yet born), foist GMO foods on the whole world, etc.

    Of course, the irony is, since good and evil are part of the very DNA of existence and reality, these same individuals end up creating Ersatz-moralities/ethics, as for example Greenism (“crimes” against the earth {rolling eyes}).

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