Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Can God Deliver a Homosexual?

One of the most controversial topics today is homosexuality. More professing Christians are willing to accept the practice as God-sanctioned. Some of them go so far as to claim that there are no negative effects of homosexuality. One of the negative effects of gay sex is that it is a satanic perversion and confusion of the God-created gender roles. Satan cannot lay one crooked finger on God, so he attacks the image of God…humanity. However, the greatest negative is that it is against the nature of God and offenders and condoners alike will one day incur His judgment and wrath. However proponents of homosexuality fire back with the well-worn defense, “God created me this way because it is the way I was born”.

First, I disagree that God created homosexuals. Adam and Eve were the only humans that God created and they were created pure. Everyone else is procreated by their fathers and mothers. It is a biblical fact that neither Adam nor Eve was homosexual and there were no other humans on earth. Either God made a mistake in not creating a homosexual, or He accepts the mistake that evolved out of the lust of the flesh. Further, had God created a homosexual to occupy the earth with Adam and Eve, He would have had to create two of them. He would also need to give one of them the means to give birth or they would become extinct after one generation. The fact is, had He created a man with the means to give birth, that man would have been a woman and thus unappealing to the other homosexual. That essentially puts us back to square one.

On the second point I agree. A person may indeed be born effeminate. In other words, homosexuality is in their DNA. Actually, we were all born in sin. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians that we are/were all by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3).

However, we do not condone rapists because they have in their natures a strong desire to overpower women and abuse them? Will the ones who accept homosexuality one day sanction pedophilia because pedophiles claim, “I was born this way”? Society demands that rapists and pedophiles control their natures or face the consequences. God demands everyone that wishes to be in His kingdom must change his or her nature to conform to His nature. The wonderful truth of the Gospel is such change will begin when we are born again of the Spirit.

I believe the process of changing our nature to conform to the Divine Nature may involve a rewrite of the DNA code that determines our natural proclivities. DNA is called by scientists the “Book of Life”. Scientists who believe in Intelligent Design insist that an intelligent being must have written the DNA “Book of Life”. Christian scientists believe (as do I) that God is the Intelligent Designer that wrote the DNA that makes up the human genome. He did not write the DNA for each person individually, but only the original DNA for Adam and Eve.  If God wrote it originally, it stands to reason that He can rewrite it.

Sin is the warping factor that disorders DNA. When Adam and Eve sinned, the effect of sin was passed onto their children and the rest of humanity. Presently, whatever distortion that exists in the DNA of the father and mother is passed down into the children. One child may be born with a proclivity to homosexuality while another one may be heterosexual. We have witnessed serial killers whose siblings are normal and law-abiding. Some children are born with a very quick and volatile temper while their siblings are gentle and not easily provoked. Therefore, being born with a proclivity toward homosexuality is not a valid reason, but rather an excuse. Just like every other characteristic of the carnal mind, that disorder of God’s creation must also be submitted to Him for change.

The question is, can God change our DNA? He declares that He can and will change our nature. I can testify that He has changed many parts of my old nature that were against His nature. Since DNA determines our natural proclivities, a rewrite of our DNA may be the way God changes certain deep-seated characteristics of our nature.  God’s word contains incidents of people being physically changed by supernatural means. When Christ spoke with power and authority, deaf people heard, blind people saw, people born cripple began to walk, and etcetera. Something in the flesh had to be altered in order for those miracles to occur. It is logical to conclude that the same power that recreates and reorders flesh, bones, muscles, ligaments, and ear drums, is able to reconstruct disordered DNA.

When we surrender our lives to Him, we are indwelt with the Divine Nature, the Holy Spirit, who is perfect. The Holy Spirit mentors us and assists us in changing our natures to conform to His nature. Everything that is in our nature that is in contrast with God’s nature must change. The catalyst for the change is considered spiritual because it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Something is going on spiritually inside of us when we submit to God. It manifests outwardly as a changed nature.

Anyone indwelt by the Holy Spirit must submit to His work of changing his or her nature.  God gives is time to submit to those changes.  It does not mean that we continue in sin, but that we mount a strong resistance against it with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Contrary to the soteriology of some denominations, forgiveness and grace is not simply a Hell Insurance policy. It is the means by which we retain the favor of God while we are being changed into His likeness by the work of the Spirit. Professing Christians may commit acts that stem from the flawed human nature when they fail to submit to the Holy Spirit’s influence. They may commit adultery, steal, fight, cheat, lie, curse, get drunk, and etcetera, as they capitulate to the old nature instead of the influence of the Divine Nature. None of that can be truthfully blamed on the way they were born.  All of it must be repented of lest they are pulled back into the darkness (2 Peter 2:22).  I have known some cantankerous professing Christians that defend their petulant nature by saying, “That’s just the way I am…deal with it”, or something to that effect. My response is, “What about Christ in you? When do you plan to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust?” The fact that God can and will deliver us from our old nature is the essence of the Gospel. To insist that there is a particular sin that He cannot deliver us from is to deny the Gospel.

Just as any other aberration in human nature, homosexuality must not be accepted as a godly trait. It must be recognized as the fallen nature whose DNA is jumbled by sin. God can and will arrange the DNA so that a homosexual who yields his or her life to Him will eventually lose the proclivity to commit homosexuality. He has delivered drunkards so that they no longer wanted to drink alcohol. He has delivered prostitutes, violent people, murderers, adulterers, vulgar people, drug addicts, and there is a long list of testimonies of people that were delivered from all sorts of evil proclivities including homosexuality. It does not matter what one’s nature was before they submitted to God, He can and will change it. An old song says it best; “Mercy rewrote my life”. However, change is a process. Some things may change immediately, but strongholds in our nature take time.

The picture is clear that homosexuality exists solely for the purpose of pleasure. However, some professing Christian seem to believe that God cannot or will not deliver individuals from homosexuality, but that He accepts it as a normal sexual orientation. Herein lies the egregious error of pro-homosexual professing Christians. To claim that God sanctions homosexuality is to declare that the homosexual nature is in God’s Divine Nature, which is blasphemous and impossible. God is perfect and there is neither sin nor darkness in Him. To claim that He cannot deliver homosexuals is to declare that He is not omnipotent and therefore not God. The ramifications of those claims are hopelessness for homosexuals who want to be free, and fatal deception in the ones that believe God accepts them without requiring change.

As the final deception, apostasy, and delusion increases, no doubt more traits of the sinful nature will be accepted as viable elements of the Christian nature. Concurrently, as faith dies, many of the divine characteristics of God will be marginalized proportionally. When professing Christians regard Him as less than God, they begin to regard their godlessness as godliness. His sovereignty decreases as their autonomy increases. The deception grows to the point that what is pleasing to God is determine by the will of the masses rather than by the will of God. It gives rise to a false gospel that God permits rather than delivers from sin. This is a proper synopsis of the last days. It is why homosexuality is being accepted as a valid Christian lifestyle today.  I declare, in answer to the title and question of this article, that God can, will, deliver, and has delivered, homosexuals.  That’s the truth and there are not enough demons in or out of hell to change it.



  1. julie

    Just to add to what you’ve written here, which is excellent. If you read through the second half of Romans 1, you understand that God has, in judgment, given the depraved over to their sin. And as you read of the downward spiral that ensues, it tells us that they become vain, that is foolish and empty, in their imaginations. Their hearts are darkened. Their minds become reprobate. They cannot even think rightly. The whole person is disordered, empty, foolish. Their understanding is darkened, and the truth cannot get through. They cannot logically work through why something is right or wrong or good or evil, destructive or life-giving, because their thinking is too disordered. This is why, I believe, we are seeing more and more mass murders. This is how debased our nation has become. We have gone from sexual immorality of the worst type, to mass murder. Christians want to debate with the unsaved, but you cannot. You cannot use logic, or reason, or biblical truth and try to convince them of their error. They need the gospel, which, if God wills, He will use to bring about their conversion. The scripture tells us that the gospel is the power of God for salvation. Without true conversion to Christ, they will remain in this darkened state. Our nation has become pagan. It probably always has been, but once there was a general nod to Christian morality. But what we have now is a nation of rank pagans. And with this immoral lifestyle comes the disordered thinking. It isn’t that “if we do this God is going to judge us.” God is already judging us. The fact that our people are so immoral and disordered shows us that God has in judgment given them over. Those of us who know the truth, who know the true Lord Jesus Christ of the scripture are now missionaries in our own land.

  2. Diana

    Many Christians lump homosexuality in with all the other sins, but the Bible doesn’t call all sin an abomination; it does say that about sodomy, though.

  3. Ben Scott

    My wife and I totally agree with the article. Thank you for pointing out the critical points of our old nature that will always lead us down a sinful path.God can and will deliver any sinner who comes to Him by faith.Praise God for His great mercy and love!

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