Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

COVID-19 Vaccine is Deadly: Truth or Fiction?

“I’m sorry, sir, but you’ve drunk the Kool-Aid. The vax contains deadly chemicals and you will die if you take it.”

Whether one has truth today comes down to which side you’re on. It is not about facts, but about whether or not you agree with people that are convinced a great conspiracy to kill millions of people is at work in the world. While it doesn’t appear to be a spiritual issue, the contention over the COVID-19 vaccine now has God’s Remnant dividing and shunning each other. The same thing occurred on a smaller scale during the Y2K fiasco and the elections of 2016. 

In this period of great apostasy in Christianity, there is a Remnant of God’s people that have not apostatized. However, some of them no longer pray as they should pray, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but have become obsessed with politics, and are now deeply emerged in the conspiracy theory info mill. The fact is, that info mill consists of conjecture, suspicion, paranoia, presumptions, and bits of truth, that produce a highly sensational and greatly addictive flow of information. It is such a maze of confusion that discovering truth among the conjecture and hyperbole is like looking for an apple in a cesspool. Even if you find it, it is not fit to consume. 

Once an individual is snared by the distracting conspiracy monstrosity, the “boring” truth is no longer palatable. No wonder that they cannot accept the fact that there is no conspiracy involving using the COVID vaccine to murder millions of people. I cannot say it any plainer. It’s just a vaccine—different than past vaccines, but a vaccine nonetheless. 

I will explain in this article what the conspiracy theorists refuse to accept because it does not draw people to their websites, blogs, and Social Media platforms. 

Vaccine skepticism and rejection go back to the 19th-century smallpox vaccine. A resurgence of anti-vaccination occurred in the 1960s. However, when mumps, measles, polio, and smallpox, et cetera, were wiped out, the opposition practically disappeared. The advent of the Internet (where everyone is an expert) has renewed opposition to vaccines, especially influenza, and now the genetic COVID-19 vaccine.

It is my opinion that no matter what the COVID-19 vaccine consisted of, even a pinch of peppermint, the conspiracy theorists would have erupted against it, analyzed the peppermint (menthol, menthone, menthyl acetate, 1,8-cineole, limonene, beta-pinene, and beta-caryophyllene), and presented bizarre claims of diabolical malfeasance.

In response to the individuals that believe distributing the COVID-19 vaccine is a sinister plot to murder millions of people, do they also believe every advancement in medical science is diabolical? They should not just single out the COVID-19 vaccine, but go ahead and toss out the rest of the scientific advancements of Genetic Therapy Research.

The COVID-19 vaccine is not an isolated example of Genetic Medicine.

Genetic medicine is rapidly coming to the forefront as a therapy for many diseases. In the future, it will become the medical treatment of almost all diseases. It will replace most drugs and conventional vaccines, some of which were introduced many years ago. Instead of going to pharmacies and loading up on maintenance drugs, many people’s maladies and malfunctions will be managed or completely cured by Generic Therapy.

Scientists have for a significant period been working on cures or management of a wide range of diseases, including cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia, and AIDS (Mayo Clinic). Here are a few examples of successful Genetic Therapy.

Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (ADA-SCID) also known as the bubble boy disease. Affected children are born without an effective immune system and will succumb to infections outside of the bubble without bone marrow transplantation from matched donors. A landmark study representing a first case of gene therapy “cure,” or at least a long-term correction, for patients with deadly genetic disorder was conducted by investigators in Italy. The therapeutic gene called ADA was introduced into the bone marrow cells of such patients in the laboratory, followed by transplantation of the genetically corrected cells back to the same patients. The immune system was reconstituted in all six treated patients without noticeable side effects, who now live normal lives with their families without the need for further treatment. (see also Description of ADA deficiency, ADA: The First Gene Therapy Trial, from the National Institutes of Health and SCID.net)

Chronic Granulomatus Disorder (CGD) 

CGD is a genetic disease in the immune system that leads to the patients’ inability to fight off bacterial and fungal infections that can be fatal. Using similar technologies as in the ADA-SCID trial, investigators in Germany treated two patients with this disease, whose reconstituted immune systems have since been able to provide them with full protection against microbial infections for at least two years.

Considering that information we should recognize that people involved in Genetic Therapy research are not maniacal Liberals intent on killing millions of Christians and Conservatives. They are people reflective of society at large—people that are attempting to save lives. There is no massive shift change in researchers when one President leaves office and another one is sworn in. Some of the ones currently involved have been working on genetic solutions to viruses and diseases for decades.

They are working on Genetic Therapy because most pills do not cure most diseases—they simply manage the symptoms. That is why so many people are on maintenance drugs. When the source of the disease is genetic, and a correction is possible, what person would deny that therapy for a son, daughter, spouse, parent, or other loved one. Is there anyone that has died of COVID-19 that we would rather have alive as the result of genetic vaccination?

Therefore, unless professing Christians are willing in this period of great apostasy to become devout, return to praying as they should, fasting, reading, and studying God’s word—extricating themselves from the many distractions of the World System, and otherwise contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints—and begin laying hands on the sick and diseased multitudes with the result of Divine healing—all that is left is to appeal to doctors, hospitals, and medicines. 

A response may be, “I believe in herd immunity.” 

Many people do not know that herd immunity is the result of individuals contracting a disease and surviving it, AND by people being vaccinated. 95% of the population has to become immune before herd immunity is achieved. Many people will die in the process. Developing herd immunity without vaccination is a type of population control. Only the strong survive (1918 Spanish Influenza, no vaccine, 50 million deaths).

Regarding those FACTS, should we then become petulant and rejective when the medical community transitions from pills to genetic medicine? Do we insist that old technology should remain until Christ returns simply because we are suspicious of everything new? Should we take the claims of the conspiracy theorists and believe the COVID-19 vaccine contains death to all Christians and Conservatives? (Donald Trump was President when it was introduced.)

What if all Christians and Conservatives had been denied COVID-19 vaccination? Would we all be dancing around with euphoria? No, we would be ranting and railing against the government for not making it available to us. Not anyone is dancing now that unvaccinated loved ones are dead. I am getting truly weary of witnessing the majority of professing Christians with herd instinct and self-aggrandizing individuals leading the herd.

Maintenance drugs are on the way out. Injecting a weakened virus to vaccinate someone will become extinct. We may as well accept Genetic Medicine, or have the faith to trust God for all our medical needs, or die—genetic medicine is here to stay.

In any case, it’s your body, your choice, and you own the consequences. But don’t let ignorance, misinformation, or superstition, be your guide. Don’t let fear of or anger towards an extreme liberal government compel you to do something foolish. Equip yourself with the truth.


  1. Carol

    Info here is interesting but hate that you are condemning fellow Christians who have chosen to truly research the SARS/COVID issue. Do yourselves a favor and look up patents that were begun in 2002 by CDC, Moderna, Pfizer, NIH, WHO, Fauci, Gates, etc. Access to patent information is available online. You will find that there IS something suspicious going on in the name of MONEY and population control.

    • C.H. Fisher

      First, I am committed to present the truth even when everyone rejects it and me. I do not watch the news media. I do not read conspiracy theory network articles or watch their videos. People send me many videos that they are so excited about, but I delete them all. I do not consider posts and memes on Social Media to be a valid source of information. Instead, I thoroughly researched the Anti-Vaccine Movement(AVM) from its beginning to the present.

      I am aware of all the data and people that the AVM are using to create their propaganda. Their claims and methods have not changed since they attacked Edward Jenner for his development of smallpox vaccine. A recent Movie by one of their spokesperson, Robert Kennedy, including statements from accredited individuals that were deceived concerning their interviews with the movie’s director. Their statements were taken out of context. They are very angry that their words were used to support something that they completely disagreed with. That type of source is not what a Believer should be getting their information from.

      Please consider that the AVM is about population control. They believe in “only the strong survive.” Thus, they wish to abolish vaccines and leave nature in charge of population control. Many godly Christians have fallen under their deceptive influence. It is not the deception Christ was referring to, that if possible could deceive the very elect. But it shows us how easy such a deception could be accepted if people do not keep their focus off of the world system and its calamity. This is a period when we should pray faithfully and be led by the Holy Spirit.

  2. GJ

    If the intent is honorable, so will the administration of it be.

    Numbers 32: 23 But if you do not do so, behold, you have sinned against the Lord, and be sure that your sin will find you out.



    Are you aware that Dr. Robert Malone, who is the inventor of the mRNA technology, does not recommend this injection?

    Quite frankly, this post sounds like it was written by another person other than the writer I used to read.

    • C.H. Fisher

      First, I am committed to present the truth even when everyone rejects it and me. I do not watch the news media. I do not read conspiracy theory network articles or watch their videos. People send me many videos that they are so excited about, but I delete them all. I do not consider posts and memes on Social Media to be a valid source of information. Instead, I thoroughly researched the Anti-Vaccine Movement(AVM) from its beginning to the present.

      I am aware of all the data and people that the AVM are using to create their propaganda. Their claims and methods have not changed since they attacked Edward Jenner for his development of smallpox vaccine. A recent Movie by one of their spokesperson, Robert Kennedy, including statements from accredited individuals that were deceived concerning their interviews with the movie’s director. Their statements were taken out of context. They are very angry that their words were used to support something that they completely disagreed with. That type of source is not what a Believer should be getting their information from.

      Please consider that the AVM is about population control. They believe in “only the strong survive.” Thus, they wish to abolish vaccines and leave nature in charge of population control. Many godly Christians have fallen under their deceptive influence. It is not the deception Christ was referring to, that if possible could deceive the very elect. But it shows us how easy such a deception could be accepted if people do not keep their focus off of the world system and its calamity. This is a period when we should pray faithfully and be led by the Holy Spirit.

      • Karen

        Dr. Robert Malone created the core mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”. Warning against universal vaccination, his concern is that these vaccines are causing the virus to replicate more efficiently thereby spreading covid and variants. It is a leaky vaccine; it does not prevent the spread or replication of the virus, it only mitigates the severity of symptoms if caught.

        Israel mandated it and has the highest rate of vaccination yet the number of delta cases have now surged. Sweden has no mandate and has one of the lowest rates of infection, and now has barred Israelis from traveling to Sweden because of this. The Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz on a hot mic was caught admitting, “there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate.”

        On a side note, USPS employees with their powerful union have been exempted from the shot, but not UPS, DHL or FedEx. Also exempted
        are Congess and staff as well as the judiciary in D C. Add to that exemption list are incoming aliens over the southern border and Afghan refugees (many are males of military age). What these refugees ARE being given for “free” is Ivermectin, which the government is blocking for use for American citizens, just like other effective therapeutics such as hydroxychloraquine. These are facts that are in the public record (although not promoted by much of the media), not anti-vaxxer propaganda.

        • C.H. Fisher

          Your post is the reason why I write so strongly against the Conspiracy Theory Network and its constant stream of misinformation. Dr. Robert Malone did not invent the mRNA vaccine. He stated in response to the many false claims that he was the inventor of the vaccine, that he did not invent the mRNA vaccines, but instead assisted with developing the “vaccine technology platform.”

          Dr. Malone published a paper in 1989 entitled “Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection.” It was an contribution to an “emerging field,” but the vaccine had not at that point been invented. Dr. Katalin Karikó and Dr. Drew Weissman are credited as the major contributors to the development of mRNA vaccines.

          As to the other claims in your post, they are also misleading. The Israel situation, also heavily reported by the Conspiracy Network, skewed the facts and made the data appear much worse than it was.

          As for Sweden, it has the highest COVID cases of all the Nordic nations. Considering that except for its large cities, where COVID infection is very high, it is a densely populated Country of mostly ice, snow, and wide-open spaces. For the Anti-vaccine Movement to claim Sweden as a success story is farcical.

          The fact is, 98-99 percent of people dying of COVID are non-vaccinated people. Many of my dear friend’s, all non-vaccinated, have died. The ones that recovered said it was the sickest they had ever been. One friend told me that he came so close to death that he could feel the “breath of death” in his face. He prayed for God to take him, but he was young and strong enough to eventually recover. If he had infected some of his older and compromised friends, or mother, they would likely have died. Some younger individuals have brought death to their family by refusing vaccination and believe the lie that COVID was not dangerous.

          What is occurring is a massive deception that is luring and snaring millions of professing Christians. It is a deeply sad thing to witness. All of them believed the lies about the vaccine spread by the Conspiracy Theory Network (CTN). All of them became obsessed with the CTN, were obsessed with Trump worship, obsessed with election fraud, and hate Biden and the Democrat Party. They went from doing their duty as Christians to becoming religious political activists. While they indulged in all those deceptions, the apostasy in Christianity surged. That is not how God’s word teaches us to live. Our focus must be on the Kingdom of God and His will for our lives. We should not hate anyone and we must never be entangled in the affairs of this life that we may please God who redeemed and called us. (2 Timothy 2:4)

  4. Matt

    The high places of the world are demonic. The beast system is obviously here. I’ve watched hours of footage of people being killed or maimed from it. Go on bitchute or rumble and your eyes will be awakened. Anything on Google or YouTube or mainstream media that is anti vax is deleted or banned. I know people who have taken it and died. Swallow your pride and delete this post because you’re leading the flock astray. Your other articles are good but I 100 percent disagree with you on this. The virus isn’t even real. They just rediagnosed it as the flu. Plus ventilators and the meds they give to treat this phantom disease are deadly. With the ventilators they literally blow your lungs out and kill you. Plus doctors make around 13k everytime they make a cv diagnosis and around 39k everytime they put someone on a ventilator which usually kills them. Plus doctors are sorcerers. The Greek word for sorcery is where the word pharmacy comes from. The word sorcerer means a poisoner or spell caster. In revelation it talks about how the devil deceives the nations with the use of sorcery. This vax is straight from the pit of hell. It alters the God given DNA. The whole medical system is a fraud due to the rockfellers.
    God bless and wake up brother

    • C.H. Fisher

      Your post is a perfect example of what I expose in my articles about this situation. You advise me to go on “bitchute or rumble?” What about TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or stick a straw in Fox News and sip all day??? How about if I just pray and feast on God’s word?

      The fact is that millions of professing Christians are obsessed with the Conspiracy Theory Network. They were set up for that bondage. It is a great deception and there will be very harsh consequences as a result.

      First, they became obsessed with the election of Donald Trump. They admitted he was “evil two,” and unregenerate, but claimed that they held their noses and voted. However, immediately afterward they proclaimed him a Christian while ignoring his obvious lostness. The fact is that Christianity has, as I predicted, become apostate beyond critical mass during the four years of Donald Trump’s influence by and support of incredible reprobates.

      Ignoring the fact that Trump surrounded himself with hirelings and heretics, they became obsessed with his Presidency. They became obsessed with his reelection campaign. They became very angry and obsessed about his defeat and the election fraud. Now they strongly hate the Dems and Liberals in general—which is completely condemned by God’s word. Thus, they have arrived a the point where they are consumed with an obsession about COVID conspiracies and the nonsense of tin-foil-hat-wearers. Throughout that entire decline, they have lost their focus, are completely distracted, and are trusting that a political savior will deliver them from the quagmire they are now trapped in.

      I advise them, “Turn around! Fast and pray! Set your eyes and mind on what you have abandoned to indulge in your obsessions! Quit believing that the consequences of millions of Christians’ dereliction of duty can be resolved by political means and activism, taking up worldly weapons, fighting against flesh and blood, engaging in a secular battle on Satan’s turf, and binging on secular information outlets. There will not be a victory by seeking those things that are below instead of above, minds obsessed with earthly things, parroting earthly, sensual, and devilish wisdom, and while attacking the ones that chose to refrain from all that and commune with God.”

      I advised an individual who called me demonically deceived (and I’ve been labeled an agent of Lucifer), that he should fast for one week, pray at least an hour each day, and completely avoid the TV and Internet while doing so. Then he will see clearly what is going on in the crazy, mixed-up, jungle of the Conspiracy Theory Network and other information from the World System. He became incensed and declared that I was full of arrogance and pride, and completely denounced me.

      The fact is, I cannot become a devil overnight. I am the same researcher and author that has exposed very clever works of darkness for a long period. Either I have been abandoned by the Holy Spirit, or I am presenting the truth. If I am not presenting the truth, one cannot legitimately make that judgment by comparing my articles with the seamy sewers of World System information. However, and in my opinion, no one who feasts his or her mind and spirit on secular information is qualified to discern anyone’s spiritual status.

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