Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

The Truth About the SCOTUS and Abortion

The bullying and name-calling by professing Christians toward their fellow Believers has spun out of control. One of our friends reported that some of the pejoratives being posted on her FB page are so vulgar they cannot be repeated. This bullying is not of God. However, I wish to present some facts that may shed light on the point of contention. Many Trump Christians insist that not voting for him makes one an accomplice to abortionists. That reasoning is based on a “President” Clinton nominating liberal SCOTUS justices.

First, consider that before Trump was nominated, I and many other Believers warned Christians not to select Trump because we could not vote for him. They stubbornly ignored those warnings. Since they selected a candidate many Christians cannot vote for, does this mean they are accomplices to abortionists? No.

I believe their selection of Trump was because of fear and hatred for Clinton. The wanted a ruffian and a bully, someone that would take the gloves off against her and the liberal news media.   Trump stood out as the one for the job. I personally know Christians that expressed gleefulness when Trump bullied his opponents. Now his bullying spirit has being transferred into their spirit. Thus, anyone not voting for Trump is labeled a “ baby killer”.

I want to make one thing perfectly clear. There were decades of ineffectiveness by professing Christians concerning Roe v Wade.   Christianity became too infested with heresy, materialism and pleasure-seeking to become involved in ending abortion. Many professing Christians simply loved the world and the things in it. They were ineffective in ending the wickedness because they were distracted, apathetic and weak. Are we are supposed to believe the same ones have now come to life against the issue of abortion?

They insist that a “President” Donald Trump is essential to ending abortion. Their claim is based on restoring the Conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

The fact is there is absolutely no guarantee that a Republican SCOTUS majority would overturn Roe v Wade. If they did, they will out performed the justices selected by Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. and George W. Bush. If avoiding the title “baby killer” is about voting for a Republican presidential candidate, then I am on record as voting for nearly all of the ones on that list. Yes, I’m that old.

If you are a professing Christian and are accusing other Christians of being “baby killers”, please consider these historical facts.

There has not been a Democrat majority on the Supreme Court since 1971. Roe v Wade was decided in January 22, 1973 in a 7 to 2 decision. Republican presidents appointed 5 of the 7 justices in the majority decision. Nearly 2 decades later in 1992, when Planned Parenthood v. Casey reached the Supreme Court, there were eight Republican-appointed Justices on the SCOTUS. Byron White was the only Democrat appointed justice and he had opposed Roe v Wade in 1973.   It was the best opportunity for Roe v Wade to be overturned since its inception. It should have been unanimous to overturn the 1973 decision. However, Republican appointed justices upheld Roe v Wade.

Further, President Reagan appointed Justice Kennedy who wrote the gay marriage decision. The decision legalizing government to void ownership of property in the interest of progress was written by President Ford appointee Justice John Paul Stevens.   President Bush appointed Justice David Souter, who voted against overturning Roe v. Wade and voted in favor of prohibiting prayer at high school graduations.

The glaring question to Christian Trumpers is, “Are the individuals who voted for Republican presidents, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and both presidents Bush, responsible for the 60 million babies murdered as a result of their SCOTUS appointees?” The answer is “No”.

According to The Federalist, Donald Trump does not support a Conservative Supreme Court. An article by Hugh Slugh concluded with, “In all likelihood, a vote for Trump is a vote for a non-originalist Supreme Court majority that will endure for decades. In that case, a vote for Trump is a vote for more decisions like Roe and Obergefell. That is an outcome no conservative should be willing to risk.” – Jeff Slugh, A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For Roe V. Wade, February 10, 2016, The Federalist (online)

Slugh’s opinion was shared by many other pundits and Christians were forewarned before Trump was nominated. Trump has stated that his liberal, pro-abortion, sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, would make a good SCOTUS justice. Thus, another question is, “If Trump wins and appoints justices that refuse to overturn Roe v Wade, will the individuals who voted for Trump be guilty of the subsequent murder of babies?” Again, the correct answer is “No”.

Obviously, those justices who voted to establish legality for abortion, and the justices who refused to overturn it, are the guilty ones. Liberal or Conservative, they have the sworn duty to provide justice to all citizens in this nation. Life begins at conception. They break their vows when they legalize the murder of a baby. Then why are professing Christians accusing fellow Christians of being “baby killers” for refusing to vote for either of the two major candidates?

The accusation of “baby killers” appears to be simply a bullying ploy.   It is meant to intimidate people into voting for Donald Trump.   Does the end justify the means?   Not when you consider the price of their bullying. Please consider that people who speak lies and sow discord among fellow Believers are just as guilty before God as the ones who commit abortion.

“These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” – Proverbs 6:16-19


The bullying and name-calling by professing Christians toward their fellow Believers has spun out of control. One of our friends reported that some of the pejoratives being posted on her FB page are so vulgar they cannot be repeated. This bullying is not of God. However, I wish to present some facts that may shed light on the point of contention. Many Trump Christians insist that not voting for him makes one an accomplice to abortionists. That reasoning is based on a “President” Clinton nominating liberal SCOTUS justices.

First, consider that before Trump was nominated, I and many other Believers warned Christians not to select Trump because we could not vote for him. They stubbornly ignored those warnings. Since they selected a candidate many Christians cannot vote for, does this mean they are accomplices to abortionists? No.

I believe their selection of Trump was because of fear and hatred for Clinton. The wanted a ruffian and a bully, someone that would take the gloves off against her and the liberal news media.   Trump stood out as the one for the job. I personally know Christians that expressed gleefulness when Trump bullied his opponents. Now his bullying spirit has being transferred into their spirit. Thus, anyone not voting for Trump is labeled a “ baby killer”.

I want to make one thing perfectly clear. There were decades of ineffectiveness by professing Christians concerning Roe v Wade.   Christianity became too infested with heresy, materialism and pleasure-seeking to become involved in ending abortion. Many professing Christians simply loved the world and the things in it. They were ineffective in ending the wickedness because they were distracted, apathetic and weak. Are we are supposed to believe the same ones have now come to life against the issue of abortion?

They insist that a “President” Donald Trump is essential to ending abortion. Their claim is based on restoring the Conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

The fact is there is absolutely no guarantee that a Republican SCOTUS majority would overturn Roe v Wade. If they did, they will out performed the justices selected by Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. and George W. Bush. If avoiding the title “baby killer” is about voting for a Republican presidential candidate, then I am on record as voting for nearly all of the ones on that list. Yes, I’m that old.

If you are a professing Christian and are accusing other Christians of being “baby killers”, please consider these historical facts.

There has not been a Democrat majority on the Supreme Court since 1971. Roe v Wade was decided in January 22, 1973 in a 7 to 2 decision. Republican presidents appointed 5 of the 7 justices in the majority decision. Nearly 2 decades later in 1992, when Planned Parenthood v. Casey reached the Supreme Court, there were eight Republican-appointed Justices on the SCOTUS. Byron White was the only Democrat appointed justice and he had opposed Roe v Wade in 1973.   It was the best opportunity for Roe v Wade to be overturned since its inception. It should have been unanimous to overturn the 1973 decision. However, Republican appointed justices upheld Roe v Wade.

Further, President Reagan appointed Justice Kennedy who wrote the gay marriage decision. The decision legalizing government to void ownership of property in the interest of progress was written by President Ford appointee Justice John Paul Stevens.   President Bush appointed Justice David Souter, who voted against overturning Roe v. Wade and voted in favor of prohibiting prayer at high school graduations.

The glaring question to Christian Trumpers is, “Are the individuals who voted for Republican presidents, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and both presidents Bush, responsible for the 60 million babies murdered as a result of their SCOTUS appointees?” The answer is “No”.

According to The Federalist, Donald Trump does not support a Conservative Supreme Court. An article by Hugh Slugh concluded with, “In all likelihood, a vote for Trump is a vote for a non-originalist Supreme Court majority that will endure for decades. In that case, a vote for Trump is a vote for more decisions like Roe and Obergefell. That is an outcome no conservative should be willing to risk.” – Jeff Slugh, A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For Roe V. Wade, February 10, 2016, The Federalist (online)

Slugh’s opinion was shared by many other pundits and Christians were forewarned before Trump was nominated. Trump has stated that his liberal, pro-abortion, sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, would make a good SCOTUS justice. Thus, another question is, “If Trump wins and appoints justices that refuse to overturn Roe v Wade, will the individuals who voted for Trump be guilty of the subsequent murder of babies?” Again, the correct answer is “No”.

Obviously, those justices who voted to establish legality for abortion, and the justices who refused to overturn it, are the guilty ones. Liberal or Conservative, they have the sworn duty to provide justice to all citizens in this nation. Life begins at conception. They break their vows when they legalize the murder of a baby. Then why are professing Christians accusing fellow Christians of being “baby killers” for refusing to vote for either of the two major candidates?

The accusation of “baby killers” appears to be simply a bullying ploy.   It is meant to intimidate people into voting for Donald Trump.   Does the end justify the means?   Not when you consider the price of their bullying. Please consider that people who speak lies and sow discord among fellow Believers are just as guilty before God as the ones who commit abortion.

“These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” – Proverbs 6:16-19



  1. Mrs. Brown

    Not voting at all is the same as tossing a vote towards Hillary. Voting is important, and if you sit back on the sidelines, you are giving your vote to someone who is most likely a person you don’t wish to support.

    • JD

      Mrs. Brown, what you said is NOT true. I will not vote for someone who has murdered children and adults, or who is for murdering babies, or any other criminal activities that are proven. Christians will be held responsible for the party they put in the White House or any other place that they voted them in. PERIOD!

  2. Drew

    Brother you yourself spoke to soon.

  3. Kevin Morris

    Thank God Trump won in 2016. He should still be in office.

    I wonder how you feel about this after 6 years of lies in the media.

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