Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Month: April 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

Music of the Great Apostasy: addendum

Churches give music preeminence because it entices people, especially young people, to “go to church,” something that parents used to have a battle with.  It is entertaining, so the church meeting isn’t as boring for disinterested youth and nominal Christians.  High energy music will draw secular people from all walks of life into the building.  Some of them will even profess Christianity, as long as it is a bare-bones version requiring no major changes and not initiated by conviction.  In fact, the current trend in Church Growth is to make adherents by rendering Christianity palatable to secular people.  The actual philosophy is, “If we can’t bring them in by the biblical standard, let’s lower it to a level that is comfortable and convenient for them.”

Music has been enlisted to assist in this type of conversion.  The leader of a major Christian band (at that time), “Bride”, during our debate insisted that scores of young people were getting “saved” during their concerts.  What actually occurred was another “gospel” was “preached” by the music, and during the consequential emotional cool-down period, they were invited to the front.  They said the “sinner’s prayer” and received some literature.  There is absolutely no way for the man and his fellow band members to know if that person was truly saved, or if they continued in their profession.

In that period, which was near the end of the last century, they would have been hard pressed to find a church offering the religion they experienced at the concert.  Today, they can come back to the concert Sunday after Sunday.  “Saved” has been reduced to any sign and degree of commitment, even if it is just attending a concert/church meeting.  The philosophy is, “Anything to get them inside of the church.”  That is no guarantee that they have been included in the Body of Christ.

Salvation is not getting people inside of a church building, convincing them to say the “sinner’s prayer,” or any of the modern methods for getting someone onto the attendance rolls.  Salvation is the result of being convicted by the Holy Spirit after hearing the Gospel.  One must come to the realization that he or she is a sinner, else why would he or she need the Savior.  If they do not recognize the need for the Savior, they do not see the need to be saved.

The struggle of rebirth begins during that conviction.  The individual decides during that struggle whether to accept deliverance from the chains of sin and darkness, or to reject God’s gift of salvation.  If salvation occurs, it is because that person submitted to the atoning work of Christ Jesus as well as surrendering to His Lordship.

The ones who claim salvation by gradually merging into a Seeker-Friendly, Emergent, Launch, or another church where music is given preeminence over the Gospel, have no spiritual birthdays.  Further, they may never have one if they do not believe they are lost.  They came into a church where the major force was overwhelming carnal and devilish sensationalism.  The preached word is more like an afterthought that one endures.  The only validation of this method of “conversion” is its widespread acceptance.  It has no scriptural paradigm.

What has actually occurred is, a generation has arrived that does not recognize the line of demarcation between light and darkness, good and evil.  A verse in Isaiah caused me to think about what might have caused this deficiency.

“Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope;” – Isaiah 5:18.

After reading that verse long ago, I had a vision of Christianity tied to the world system with a rope.  When the world system moved on and became worse, eventually Christianity was drawn into the position the world system once occupied.  Trying to maintain a certain distance between us and the world system may eventually bring us to accept evil that we once rejected.  The biblical pattern is to draw near to God.  If one has that mindset, the gap will continually widen between them and the worlds system.

I refuse to compromise to appease people who desire the apostasy.  If it means our church will remain small, or become even smaller, so be it.  Someone might say, “But don’t you care that you are not getting them into the church?”  That was never my goal.  I was commissioned to invite them into the kingdom of God.  If getting them into the church is the goal, then sure, use whatever means necessary.  In fact, turn the church into a musical circus with all the sights and sounds and back-flipping clowns that the flesh desires.  However, as the apostasy degenerates into such rancid wickedness that churches completely replace every vestige of Christianity with secular patterns to get people to come, what’s next?  Where does Hillsong go next when what they are doing now gets old and boring?

Music of the Great Apostasy

Hillsong2A couple of decades ago, I wrote a book entitled, “The Music of the Great Apostasy.” When I revamped my website, I did not upload the book.  I intended to revised and add to it.  I believe the title is appropriate for this article.

In the book, I predicted error in Christian music would progress until it became the music of the Great Apostasy.  We have been seeing the actuality of that prediction, and it’s going to get much worse.  The prediction was simply a matter of looking down the logical road to its conclusion.  There is no way that Christianity’s music can be almost totally supplanted by a secular-inspired genre and not fall into the basement of carnality.

That moment arrived long ago.  But now the matter has gone beyond simply playing around with music styles of the world system.  Just as Christianity is apostatizing in doctrine and practice, so it is apostatizing in music.  Consider that when Israel apostatized, their music and the way they worshipped reflected their apostasy.  Since widespread heresy is making many churches susceptible to demonic activity, no doubt the music is conducive for it.

It’s not the words that are bad—shallow and repetitive, but not necessarily bad.  It is the obsession with music, the downright addiction that drives churches to become so music oriented that true worship and God’s word are shamefully marginalized.  It is also the bizarre way the music is performed, the atmosphere, darkness, flashing lights, smoke, etc.

The standard defense is an old one, “If it feels good, do it.”  Or as one adulteress said, “How can anything that feels so good be bad.”  Truth or rational consideration of God’s word is not a factor in determining whether it is right or wrong.  There is no consideration of Divine Order.  It is all about what feels good.  Therefore, Satan has taken that old adage and tweaked it a bit.  The result is, “If it feels good, it must be God.”

Any input from the older generation is met with scorn.  They assume that the generation that invented Rock-n-Roll doesn’t know anything about good music.  Thus, they exchange knowledge and experience, their rightful heritage, for emotion (feelings).

When Hillsong’s music began to get popular with Darlene Zschech and Rueben Hillsong3Morgan, who are still worship leaders at Hillsong, I liked their music.  The more popular they became, the more the focus on music drew people away from true worship.  Eventually, the music that was supposed to be the facilitator of worship became the object of worship.   One could witness the digression into what I call Adrenalin Worship.

Adrenalin Worship did not begin with Hillsong, but they have taken it to a new level.  It has always been a stumbling stone for professing Christians.  You can witness it in Southern Gospel and Black Gospel.  Music.  Music that was meant for encouragement or entertainment was commandeered for worship.  The more sensational it became, the more people wanted it.

The problem with Adrenalin Worship is, it is not true worship.  Instead, it is worship from the flesh.  When the music affects the flesh that powerfully, it is impossible to worship God.  The reason is because when flesh is permitted to emote unrestrained, the soul cannot express through the body.  True spirituality cannot thrive in the atmosphere.

The Millennial Generation and subsequent generations do not understand that.  Worship leaders are greatly responsible for that deficiency.  I have watched “high energy” praise bands rock the crowd into a frenzy.  When the frenzy subsides, the worship leader might say, “God showed up tonight.”  That was false teaching.  God is in us as the Holy Spirit.  He does not “show up” if true Christians are gathered because He is already there inside of them.  However, the doctrine planted in the minds of the people is that the emotion they corporately felt, entirely generated by the worship band, was God “showing up.”  Thus, the activity they just demonstrated is considered as true worship, and God showed up to receive and be involved in it.

Churches recognize the Millennials and succeeding generation’s attraction to and strong dependency on music.  If you are going to build a church numerically, you must have the present genre of Christian music and a band capable of performing it.  I have watched failing churches literally turn around their sagging attendance record with nothing more than the addition of Contemporary worship music.

Hillsong1As much as it is advertised otherwise, in many church settings the worship music is not about God.  Consider that Bethel Music flows from one of the most deceptive New Apostolic Reformation churches, deemed by some to be a cult.  Hillsong music flows from a church with false doctrine and other serious concerns, including financial accountability.  The music was not born in worship, so how could it inspire true worship?

A significant percentage of Contemporary worship music was not created by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, but involves styles borrowed from the world system.  The world system creates music appealing to secular people.  That is how the secular music business functions.  If the world system created music that made people want to repent, draw near to God, or worship Him, the secular world would reject it.  They create music for the flesh.  Adapting that style of music to Christianity causes an immediate problem of exciting the flesh long before the soul is stirred, if the soul is ever stirred.  That’s a big problem.

God’s word is clear.  John 4:23-24, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

True worship is spiritual, not fleshly.  It must be in truth, not heresy.  How can music created in heresy and carnal emotionalism initiate true worship?  In fact, it cannot.  When the music begins, those warm and fuzzy feelings, or the rush of adrenalin, are not the true spirit of worship.  One can get the exact same emotions at a secular music concert.  If it is true worship, the band could suddenly shut down, leave the stage, turn off the lights and smoke machines, and the worship would continue unabated.

In this period of great deception and apostasy, many professing Christians are not going to understand that.  However, consider that the churches filling up because of the music are mostly drawing nominal Christians at best.  They have no palate for the anointed word of God.  Most of them will not tolerate conviction or altar calls.  If you want them to stay for the preaching, it had better be short, interesting, and non-convicting.  That doesn’t comport with the attitude of a true Christian.  If that type of people sway, lift their hands, dance, jump, and otherwise move with the music during “worship” time, who or what are they worshipping?

One could make the case that the music is drawing secular people into the church meeting.  Okay, but if that is the goal, what are they receiving once they come inside?  Is the church actually making them disciples of Christ, or are those individuals dictating by their finicky and flighty natures how much truth is offered to them, and the manner in which it is offered?  If the latter, then they are simply being entertained, not converted.

By morphing their church into a movie production with a music concert, Hillsong has reached the end of the logical road.  It is now a church where the lost can feel completely comfortable, and the Holy Spirit is very uncomfortable.  Is that what God intended when He poured out His Holy Spirit on the 120 in the Upper Room 2000 years ago?  If so, then why didn’t He supernaturally make them all fabulous singers and musicians?  Then they could have come dancing out of the Upper Room and entertained the crowd. Instead, He gave them power to be witnesses and to do great works.   The modern church has willingly discarded that power and opted for Adrenalin Worship as its most powerful tool.  Its “mighty works” are accomplished by technology.

There is definitely a place for music in church meetings.  Used properly (that is, producing true worship and bringing honor to God and His word), music is a benefit.  I believe the improper elevation of music in youth church decades ago was probably the beginning of the present error.  Music was woven into the meeting to the extent that it went from entertainment to dominance over and subsequent displacement of the traditional paradigm.  What at first appeared as liberty has become a pleasant bondage.

Finally, nothing I write or say is going to change it.  If we are in the great and final apostasy, the masses will not alter their focus or methods.  I receive hope from the possibility of getting through to the ones who truly love God and have not fully surrendered to the aberrant standard.

I will close with this final question.  If the contemporary worship music pattern typified by Hillsong and Bethel music is not the music of the great apostasy, then where is that music?

A.D.: The Theatrical Bible Version

FilmAfter reading a review on A.D. The Bible Continues: “The Body is Gone,” I wondered why the reviewer didn’t denounce the film as harmful.  He pointed out the lack of the Gospel, the distortions and additions, but used the words “pleased” and “refreshing” concerning the rest of the film.  I also wondered: would pastors recommend to their congregations a Bible leaving out the Gospel, and seeded with extra-biblical insertions and distortions?

Maybe if I expose the miniseries as a new bible version, more influential leaders would oppose it.  It could be called, The Theatrical Bible Version.

“All the offensive reminders of sin are removed along with the Gospel.  It’s entertaining, unlike the other Bible versions that are less artistic.”

The standard for compiling The Theatrical Bible Version is “shoulda, woulda, coulda.”  It should have its own tablet so that people don’t have to read it.  They can just tap on the link for John, and all they need to know shows up in video.  (Have I just given those heretics an idea?)

More questions came to mind.  Are films, Hollywood stars, and producers exempted from the warning not to add or take away from God’s Word? If the Bible can be subjected to mutilation and perversions, then popularity and prominence dominate truth. Further, who said we now need a conveniently altered film/bible to reach the lost? If they are saved under a no-Gospel presentation, are they actually converted?  What will they need to keep them saved? More films? If the Bible is not enough to save them, how can it be enough to keep them saved?

It grieves my spirit to see influential Christian leaders groveling before megalomaniacs and capitulating to their agenda. Are you reading this, David Jeremiah and George Wood?

Concerning The Theatrical Bible Version, AD: The Bible Continues, I marvel that professing Christians are accepting the same concoction that Satan introduced in the Garden of Eden.  It is truth mixed with error.  The proportion is usually 90% or more truth, and 10% or less error.  The error does not have to be ample as long as it is deadly.  One drop of cyanide in a glass of pure water—would you drink it?  Would you choose it over a glass of pure water?  Then why feast on a movie that purports to be the Bible, yet is laced with drops of spiritual cyanide?

Cinema2Oh, I get it.  It’s just a movie.  People who make that defense will in the next breath declare how much greater movies are than the printed word in reaching people.  In other words, while the Bible that contains no error is considered the weaker media, it is okay to imbibe from a “more powerful” Hollywood medium that contains error and omissions.  Does this mean that the Holy Spirit prefers to use lies and obscurity nowadays?  Who made that assumption a new rule?

They ignore the truth that a “little leaven leavens the whole lump,” and “neither give place to the devil.”  It is all about experiencing religion with the least exertion, involvement, and commitment.  They want to get in and get out, like using an automated car wash.  If rubbing a sizeable dose of satanic caramelized elixir on the bread of life makes it palatable, they’re all for it.  When they need a “fix” for their addiction to visuals and sound effects, it’s “Forget the rules, give me the show!”  The fact is that many professing Christians are just as set up and willing for Satan’s Lying Signs and Wonders Show as the World System.

It is truly easy to recognize and avoid the deception.  All that is necessary is to fully surrender to God, love His truth and righteousness, and maintain the power in our godliness.  However, if individuals feed their carnal nature, they will eventually want deception more than a relationship with God, and Satan is waiting for them.  All he has to do is make the deception more appealing than God.  It’s like, “Hey, you with that Bible.  You wanna watch a really good movie?”

I wonder if they can be warned effectively.  They are like people who ignore the evidence of broken lives, shattered dreams, wasted humanity, of 51% of federal inmates, 25% of female and 16% of male inmates in State prison, and yet go ahead and smoke crack cocaine or take meth.  “It won’t happen to me,” are their famous last words before succumbing to horrible bondage.  Likewise, professing Christians confidently dive into the septic pool teaming with diluted scriptures and spiced beyond God’s “yea and nay.”  In spite of the warnings by Christians and the Bible, they soak up the theatrical pseudo-bible while their hard copy Bibles gather dust from Sunday to Sunday.  In fact, many do not take their Bibles to church meeting anyway.  The ones that do only carry them as an accessory.

The truth is that many professing Christians are bored.  They are not necessarily bored only with God’s word.  They seldom read or study it.  They are bored with Churchianity, bored with meetings and all the trappings, bored with the preaching, and bored with the same old, same old.  They’ve joined a world hooked on visuals—movies, texting and social media.  It appears that everything else is ineffective in reaching them.

But it isn’t that the Holy Spirit is ineffective.  It’s more the fact they will not give Him any more access than they do people or reality.  They prefer the virtual world and its scintillating technology.  The problem is that they are trying to fit Him into the technological world, crediting Him with what the technology is accomplishing.  It’s a roundabout way of sanctioning their projects by association.  Not that technology is evil, but that it cannot replace our relationship with God and the prominence of the Holy Spirit in that relationship.

So what do we do next?  What is the solution to the majority of professing Christians throwing all caution to the winds and dancing into a cloudy maze of deception?  The truth is, just as we cannot stop prophecy from occurring, we cannot eliminate the broad path.  As heartbreaking as it is, there will be people who, in spite of every opportunity to do and be otherwise, will veer onto it.  It is their choice.

There need to be many more pastors and churches on a local level calling out warnings to them, but that’s not happening.  Instead, they are promoting the very bondages they ought to be exposing and warning about.  In this flipped upside down world, the shepherds have become sheep.  The replacement shepherds are wolves.  How amazing that this would occur in a nation that God has blessed so greatly!



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