Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Month: October 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

The Unacknowledged War

”An orthodox Bible believing Christian does not fit in our world nor will they be tolerated.” – HerescopeBlogspot.com on the vitriol of the World Parliament of Religions 2015

In the wake of a brutal execution of Christians at Umpqua Community College, the Obama administration incredibly announced the appointment of a new czar position to identify and target conservative Christians for scrutiny.  The decision amounts to an attack on freedom of religion, and a dramatic escalation of the soft persecution streaming non-stop from the Obama administration.  The purpose appears to be forcing Conservative Christians into silence and obscurity so as not to be identified and harassed by Homeland Security, the Justice Department, the Internal Revenue service, etcetera.

Bryan Fischer of OneNews wrote that the president’s new terror czar position is an example of his “abiding hostility to people of Christian faith”.  Further, Fischer wrote, “If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist.”  Of course, there is absolutely no evidence that conservative Christians are a threat to national security.  It is a fact that they do not vote democrat and that they are vocal about Obama’s destructive and antichristian policies.

The fact is, there is a war against true Christians.  Until we acknowledge it, we are not going to fully grasp how essential it is to prepare and remain prepared for a brutal period that is rapidly approaching.  There has always been a satanic war against God’s people.  However, in the United States we have become complacent.  We have lived in relative peace and, up until a couple of decades ago, enjoyed a fair amount of respect from the secular world.

That has changed radically.  We are now in a hostile environment, and it is getting more antagonistic.  Most true Christians I know are well aware of the frontal assaults from the secular realm, and the openly heretical forays by emissaries of Satan in the religious realm.  But most of them have not recognized the danger much closer to them.  Certainly, the unified and unifying world religions despise true Christianity.  But it is a mistake to view those entities as being outside the scope of our associations.

For example, the rhetoric of the World Parliament of Religions 2015 has been espoused in Christianity for a significant period.  Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, and even Rick Warren (to name a few), have written or expressed virtually or literally the same agenda.  It is all about ecumenism, everyone in harmony, world peace, and the need for a New Christianity.  The New Christianity is the great and final apostasy—rank rebellion against the nature of God while at the same time reidentifying and glorifying the nature of Satan.

Most members and ordained ministers in denominations have not yet realized that the war has spread much closer to home.  The satanic spirit inspiring the World Parliament of Religions is motivating the New Age moles that have invaded Christianity.  Evidence of that influence is now apparent in leaders of denominations.  When a denominational leader supports New Age heretics, invites New Age gurus to speak at denominational functions and recommends heretical books as sound doctrine, then Satan has invaded and overthrown leadership.  To treat it as simply another disagreement or denominational dispute is farcical.  One cannot hope to fight that war by the means commonly used to solve disputes between two true Christians.

The intensity of that war and the extent of its progress become clear in the fact that the World Parliament of Religions, the Federal Government, highly popular and influential Christians including denominational leaders, and the Roman Catholic Church, appear to have come to an agreement.  They agree that true Christians (and Jews) are the source of all the world’s ills.  Their consensus is that the exclusivity of true Christianity is a hindrance to world peace, to the (contrived) problem of climate change, to the disharmony between religions, to the emotional well-being of licentious individuals, to population control through abortion and euthanasia, to genetic research using aborted babies, to the advancement of science, and to virtually every other immoral issue and problem in the world.  The solution cannot help but be arrived at, which is:  eliminate or eradicate true Christianity.

The plan is to accomplish this task by incremental oppression in various forms.  In a number of Muslim nations, they are well beyond increments.  They brutalize, rob, rape, imprison, or murder Christians.  The violence they use to remove Christian influence is justified as a means to solve violence.  In other words, if they murder all the Christians, then they won’t have to murder anymore.  That is the pragmatic premise of the coming brutal persecution.  The slaughter of the Jews by Hitler (an antichrist) was presented as necessary to peace, prosperity, and superiority.  People believed that when the killing was done, there would be an end to any further killing in the Utopia achieved.  They would simply need to endure the inhumanity for the chance at a world wherein inhumanity did not exist.

Of course, evil cannot solve evil.  The killing cannot and will not end with the death of all Christians and Jews.  Some other faction of society will be deemed a roadblock to progress, and the killing will resume.  Evil must metastasize everywhere it infects and gains control.  It can no more be a means to the development of peace than rape is a means to developing love.  The war against Christians has but one purpose: to destroy God’s people and thereby eliminate godliness from the earth.

The time has come to identify the ones compliant with Satan’s goals.  They do not appear as devils.  There are no horns, no fangs, no foaming mouths, or other diabolical features.  They appear as benevolent and gracious people.  Their personalities are charismatic.  Their rhetoric is engaging.  Their leadership is diplomatic for the most part, and they fit ostensibly humble in their venerated positions.  It is difficult to look beyond the image of such an individual, their smiling face, considering their position, hear their gregarious and congenial words, and recognize the cleverly disguised malevolence.  But we must.  Until they are properly identified, evil will operate successfully and unabated through those people.

At this point, I am not certain that the evil can be stopped or even slowed down.  The degradation of the secular and religious realms may be too far gone to reverse, much less halt.  However, there remains a reason to make the effort.  There are still a number of professing Christians that have not entered apostasy.  Warning them about the intense and clever deception is still viable.  It is for that purpose we must continue to try.

If there is any hope of stopping or reversing the corruption, the people who truly know God must get off the fence.  They must speak out, write, and stand without wavering when evil is present.  The time is long past to enjoin the battle.  Whatever it costs, we must stand up for God and His truth, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, and expose the apostasy as the deadly spiritual plague it is.  It threatens to destroy our children, grandchildren, from the newly born to the youth battling through the public education system while besieged by a torrent of satanic influences.  Entire churches and even denominations are being vacuumed into its inescapable bottomless chasm.  It is a huge battle, but we must believe in the omnipotent God who will assist us.

The Great Shut-Down

Not long ago, social media presenting end times information was bustling with activity.  Eschatological and discernment posts were peppered with thousands of likes, comments and shares.  Now, most of the ones I’ve checked have incurred a significant drop-off in views, likes, comments and shares.  The most popular ones are receiving only a few hundred views and some less than a hundred.  It is as if a switch was flipped and people are staying away from information deemed negative.  The blogs and pages maintaining viewership are the ones presenting heresy or benign information.

Negative information overload reaches critical mass

Why are people shunning the news of a perilous time arriving?  Are they rejecting portents of harsh period because they no longer believe them to be true?  I do not believe that is the case.  I believe that it is the Great Shut-down.  I’ve been expecting it to manifest—it has finally arrived.  The Great Shut-down is the point when negative information overload reaches critical mass.  People can only take so much bad news, especially the ones who are spiritually weak, or have not been incrementally conditioned to receive harsh truth.

Futurologist Alvin Toffler, labels the phenomenon in secular society as “future shock” syndrome.  Toffler postulates that “Future Shock” is the result of people witnessing and feeling the effects of sudden negative changes in society.  The lack of response from any authoritative source can cause them to feel helpless and hopeless.  They reach the point that they no longer have the will to resist or even complain.  Obviously, the secular faction is not looking to Christianity for hope.  However, there appears to be a lack of hope in professing Christians.

Burdens and stresses prevent people from sensing the presence of God

Émile Durkheim, observed that the collapse of European society by modernity dramatically affected Christianity.  He observed that once “the collective force so vital for the life of a society was no longer generated”, faith in God declined.  Harsh burdens and stresses prevented the people from sensing the presence of God.  This resulted in a replacement of faith with belief in social justice and science.  In other words, “the social milieu that supported Christianity disappeared, leaving Christian faith, values, and thinking without any social foundations to give them life.”  (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Émile Durkheim, c. The Death of the Gods)

Heretical and cultural trends diametrically opposed to the biblical concept of God’s nature

Consider the situation today.  There is a constant stream of information indicating that Christianity is disintegrating from the inside out.  Incredible doctrines and practices virtually unopposed by any significant leader are being introduced by heretics.  The effects of that heresy plus the fact that hirelings are inviting diabolical practices, trends, and philosophy into the churches, is erasing biblical Christianity.  One of the major heresies, Contemplative Spirituality, appears unchecked and is spreading like a deadly disease throughout Christianity.  Effects of that malignancy is rejection of love for truth and unbridled acceptance of heretical and cultural trends diametrically opposed to the biblical concept of God’s nature.

A steady flow of negative information

Concurrently, there is a steady flow of negative information about the shenanigans being foisted on society by the courts and the federal government.  There are the ObamaCare, IRS scandals, executive orders circumventing Congress, the aberrant and oppressive SCOTUS ruling against Christianity, the Nuclear Treaty with Iran, an porous border with Mexico, etcetera.  Adding to the flow is the news of terrorists beheading Christians (among other atrocities), the Umpqua Community College massacre, the Kim Davis saga, and attacks on Christian businesses that decline to support homosexual marriage.  Combined with the Benghazi scandal, the  Common Core invasion of public education, concerns about presidential election and that our current president may be a Muslim, a completely undependable economic future, the nationwide genuflection of the pope, etcetera, it piles on the burdens and stresses, crushing all hope.

Professing Christians brought to the tipping point

Additionally, psychological studies concerning the effects of watching cable news indicate it produces “negative mood experiences”.  Many professing Christians have been daily cycling through a spectrum of negative experiences including anxiety, outrage, sadness, anger, disgust, discouragement and even depression, from cable news and radio talk shows.  This combination of a constant flow of bad news about secular and religious events, along with the many warnings about encroaching heresy, the great apostasy, and the dark and deadly period ahead, has brought millions of professing Christians to the tipping point.

In my opinion, the factor that initiated the shut-down was the highly publicized false prophecies based on the “blood moon” theories.  People have had their emotions manipulated for profit with “wolf warnings” one too many times and at the wrong time.  It was after that fiasco was proven false that I noticed the shut-down.

The “Ostrich Complex”

Whatever the cause, shutting down is the worst thing a Christian can do at this point.  Instead of shutting down, people need to be selective about what they are putting into their minds and spirits.  Being informed is essential to be prepared.  Shutting down will not prepare one to endure the harshness of the last days.  I can understand if people are focusing on their relationship with God to the extent that they spend less time on the Internet and watching TV.  However, many of the ones who are shutting down are engaging in entertainment media and outlets of benign and mundane information.  They are not adjusting with a balance, but are going into denial.  They are forcing themselves to believe that it will be a long process if and when our society collapses.  That’s the “Ostrich Complex”.

A “House of Cards”

Whether one accepts it or not, the fact is that the United States has become a “house of cards” society.  Further, there are individuals and forces working feverishly to topple it. It will only take a push in the right area for it to collapse.  It can and perhaps will occur very rapidly, possibly overnight.  Christianity (the religion) has been compromised into the same precarious “house of cards”.  If one falls, both will fall.

As harsh as it is to accept, we are on the verge of a global government and religion that will be very brutal to true Christians.  It will take more than a sabbatical from bad news and ominous warnings to prepare for enduring life in that environment.  Instead of shutting down, we need to look up.  Genuine blessed hope is the buffer for the stress of perilous times.  It can only be had with a sincere and strong relationship with Christ.  That is the only focus that makes sense in this period of encroaching darkness.

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death. and to keep them alive in famine.  Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and shield, for our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name.” – Psalm 33:18-21 NKJV

Defeating the Wiles of the Devil

Three of our enemy’s primary tactics against us are temptation, accusation, and distraction. To defeat temptation, we must be fully surrendered to God and keep our bodies under subjection. (1 Corinthians 9:27) Defeating accusation is accomplished by trusting that the glory of the Lord is your rear guard. (Isaiah 52:12 & 58:8) Distractions are defeated by making certain that our words and actions measure up to our calling. (Ephesians 4:1) All of that equals confidence, but not in the flesh.

I have experienced that all temptations begin with some variation of, “Has God indeed said…” followed by a lie. All temptations should be countered with praise for all that God has provided. Satan and the world system has nothing to offer greater than what God provides.

I have learned that I cannot waste time defending myself against accusations. Besides, some of them are not false, but they are well in the past and under the blood. All of them are aimed at your heart through your back. My defense is God who will reward the wicked according to their works.

Finally, I have learned that all distractions are not wrong because they are evil works. Most of them are wrong because I was not called to be involved. Someone else who is not called to preach can coach the little league baseball team. It is an honorable endeavor, but I must obey my calling.

I consider false accusations the most troubling. Ministers of God’s word have the most important calling on this earth. We were not called to be benign parsons who agree with everyone and stand for nothing, who fear to preach the truth boldly, and avoid controversy. Yes, such a one is the darling of the city or village, and well-spoken of by all. God’s word says, “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” (Luke 6:26) If you are truly called of God, your reputation is protected in heaven and impugned on earth.

When people speak ill of the politician, he or she says, “I’m okay as long as they can’t prove it.” The God-called man or woman says, “I’m okay because God has proven me.” The Greek word for “prove” in this tense is dokimazo, which means; “to test, examine, prove, scrutinize, to see if a thing is genuine or not, to deem worthy.” If we are not proven, we will be reproved. But once He has proven you, you can say with the Apostle Paul, “From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” (Galatians 6:17)

Some of the worst rumors spread about me were from people I tried to help or trusted as a friend. Don’t be depressed when it happens to you. The day you said, “I will” to God’s will, you became a target. Did you expect the enemy to congratulate you? But here’s the steel in your resolve. You’ve been tested. When I am countering the insults and slander of the enemy, I don’t consider my good works, but the trials I have been through. (When measured against the suffering of Christ, I have nothing to boast of.)

God has stored every tear, recorded every time you sacrificed, that your heart was broken, that you endured injustice, ingratitude, rejection and abandonment, loneliness, and sense of worthlessness. He has recorded every battle you have fought, with fear and doubt, over financial needs, and observing other people driving new cars, living in nice homes, while you struggle to maintain. None of that was trash—it was gold. Never look at it as the bad in your past, but a golden foundation for your present and future. With all honesty and firmness, as bad as Cheryl and I have suffered in the past, there is not enough wealth on this earth to pay me for the benefits of being proven.

So, rage on O devil and your storm! My God is faithful who will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I am able to bear! The way of escape that He has prepared is the door of complete trust in Him! I may go down before I go up, but I will go up! (Shout here!) I look back over the battlefield of my past and I do not see my body lying there! I do see the rubble of the weapons of Satan that did not prosper! I look to my future and I see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ! I will see the King of Glory! The greatest word I long to hear, and it will resonate throughout heaven, is “faithful”. Faithful, faithful, faithful! If you are thus proven, you will be victorious!

These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” – Revelation 17:14


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