Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Month: March 2014 (Page 1 of 6)

How About that Noah Movie?

I watched a portion of a church service in Birmingham, Alabama where the pastor declared that he was excited about the Noah movie and encouraged people to go see it. That church was promoting the movie with large background of the movie poster behind the stage and a series of teachings on the story of Noah. Although there are few leading professing Christians lending their support to it, I believe that Christians will still flock to see it. A precedent was set with the Christian promotion of the Son of God movie. There is no moral authority left for discouraging professing Christians from watching the Noah movie. But some people are wondering where are all the reviews and warnings from people like me about the Noah movie. After all, a lot of time and effort was spent on trying to warn Christians about the New Age Son of God movie. I will tell you why I haven’t spent as much time on the Noah movie as I did on the Son of God movie.

My first reason is simply because it would be completely fruitless. Professing Christians that would go to the Son of God movie in spite of all the evidence that it portrayed a New Age Jesus will go to see the Noah movie. Nothing can now stop them from doing whatever their flesh dictates in regard to religious Hollywood movies.

Second, there is nothing to expose about the producer or his intent in making the movie. The movie Noah was produced by an atheist that bragged about the fact that he avoided following the biblical script. Therefore, his true colors and agenda do not have to be pried out of the data about his past.

Third, the previews from people that have read the script or watched the movie were all consistent that it was indeed not a biblical movie. Some the reviews that were released today stated that Christians who were sticklers for biblical accuracy (uh, that would be me) would be disappointed in the movie. So why should I spend the time and effort attempting to expose what is already clearly exposed?

Therefore, I confess that I have nothing to say about the Noah movie that has not already been said. But I do have a few questions for the professing Christians that supported the Son of God movie. For the ones who supported the Christless Son of God movie, I wonder if they are going to support the Godless Noah movie as well. If not, why not? It’s a given that Noah is not as important to the integrity of Gospel as the Christ Jesus. Oh, I get it. With the Son of God movie, they were willing to accept a percentage of error that included distortion of the true Son of God. But now they have their limits as to how much distortion of the truth they will tolerate in Noah’s story. There were those of us that were not willing to tolerate any distortion of God’s Son, our Lord and Savior. They mocked and chastised us for sticking to our limit.  To be fair, they should practice what they preached.  They should violate their standard as they demanded of us.

So I say to Matthew Hagee, Rick Warren, and the rest, go ahead and support the Noah movie. After all, why be judgmental, tale bearers, demonic, and let’s see, what else was it that they called us? Oh, I remember now; haters and resisters of God’s kingdom work. After all, why should they hate on the kindly atheist “doing God’s kingdom work” producing the Noah movie when they defended the New Age heretics that produced the Son of God movie?

The Problem with Relationships

I dreamed last night that I was speaking to the students and faculty at a large university. It was the last day in a series of meetings and I was standing outside with the dignitaries waiting to speak. The weather was mild, I had on a white shirt with no tie and gray pants. Some chairs were set up on a large cement patio that connected to an L-shaped dormitory complex. The chairs were filled with students and the rest of them were watching from their windows. I remember thinking that it was going to be difficult to preach while tilting my head to face those students and then back to face the ones that were seated.

I came to the meeting having no notes and asked God what I should preach about. As I silently prayed, He gave me the topic; relationships. Here is a facsimile of what I said before I woke up. I expanded on it after I was awake because my mind was filled with words and I had to write them.

“Relationships. For 99% of the earth’s population, life is about relationships. For most people, their philosophy about relationship problems is, “If it wasn’t for all those other messed-up people.”  We start learning about relationships when we are very young and if we don’t get it figured out by the time we are young adults, we’re going to have a difficult time in life. Marriage is going to be a challenge, to say the least. Marriage advice for some people may be to find someone with whom they can argue without killing one another and tie the knot with a constrictor knot. For those of you that do not know, a constrictor knot is so strong that often you have to cut the rope to get it off.

Understanding the art of relationships is more difficult for some people than other ones. It depends on the family we were raised in and our personalities. Individuals that were raised in dysfunctional families, or that have lived through one or more divorces, usually have a difficult time understanding and establishing a relationship. Someone with a narcissistic personality has difficulty establishing a satisfactory relationship. An individual with a submissive personality is likely to link up with a narcissist and that will not be good for either of them. Can you imagine a narcissist marring a narcissist? Hello Hollywood! In fact, without some way to control our lives, and to change our natures, we will all experience a great deal of unnecessary pain because of relationships.

The fact is the nature with which we were born is not normally structured for good relationships. It is rooted in one basic premise, and that is, “what’s in it for me”. We think about gratifying self in nearly everything that we do. We choose relationships that bring us gratification and that allow us to gratify ourselves. It is deeply gratifying to be accepted by people. That is why people are so dependent on what the people in their chosen circle of acquaintances think about them. Whether they dress Goth or shop at A&F, the purpose is still to make a statement to the people they are trying to impress. We are so susceptible to peer review because we fear rejection. Rejection is the failing grade in Relationships 101. In fact, rejection can be so harsh to bear that many individuals have difficulty venturing into another relationship with a group. Instead, they find one friend that they can get along with and focus on maintaining that relationship.

But relationship success or lack thereof will affect everything that we do. Whether it is an illustrious career or simply working at a menial job until retirement, the pressure to navigate the various personalities and potential conflicts will be severe at times. If one has the personality for it, the loner that says little and never complains or asserts an opinion seems to survive better than other people. However, there is joy in conversation. Some people know that all too well and exercise it to the maximum. Thus, it is more joyous for them than the ears they bend. There is joy in communication even when there are no words. Just to be with a friend and share an experience of a good meal is greatly enriching to the human spirit. One of the most difficult factors in growing old is loneliness. Loneliness is a harsh consequence of the lack of a bonding relationship. Although the affliction is prominent in elderly people that have lost their spouses and outlived their friends, it can be in the very young as well. Younger people who have experienced rejection and are fearful of extending a tender and fragile heart—a decision necessary for a bonding relationship—can experience painful loneliness. Desperate for a companion, some young people make the mistake of rushing into marriage. More tragic are the ones who give themselves to a common union without the bonds of matrimony. The result is more loneliness, and if children are born, a perpetuation of the relationship problem that plagues society.

There is an answer to this great dilemma. It is the most rejected because it is the most misunderstood. You already know what I am going to propose, but not all of you are familiar with the details. The greatest relationship that one can establish is perhaps the most ignored one. We have a standing invitation to a relationship with Jesus Christ, and through Him, with God the Father. I am not talking about finding a church to attend or join. Further, I am not talking about learning the catechism or doctrine of a particular denomination. I am talking about a genuine personal relationship that will fulfill all the joy and expectations of your need to have someone in your life that truly cares about you. In fact, a personal relationship with Christ Jesus the Savior and God the Father will so fulfill your life that you will not be subservient to peer approval, to loneliness and desperation. You will be spiritually and emotionally equipped to make the right choices in your relationships. Additionally, no matter what you choose to do in life, this relationship will give you the peace and presence of mind to accomplish more than you dreamed possible before. In fact, your dreams and goals will probably change for the better.

Relationship with Christ Jesus begins by accepting that He is the Savior and Lord. That acceptance begins with submission to the power of those two titles. If He is Savior, then you are one that He gave His life to save. He came to save you from sin and its consequences. Sin is the natural action of our carnal minds. We have all have characteristics inherent in our natural minds by which we make choices. There are really only two types of individuals. The first one, which I will call the earthly person, is described as follows:

“Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21)

Someone might declare, “My problem is not on that list.” If you are uncommitted to Christ, then it’s there, but it may not be specifically named. For example, there are numerous adverse proclivities that can be listed under selfish ambitions. In fact, selfishness causes a lot of other sins. We are naturally selfish and may react to the selfishness of other people with anger, hatred, malice, vengeance, and even violence. Thus, we can wait until our sins have caused so many adverse consequences that our lives are continually miserable, or we can make an intelligent decision that we are in need of the Savior.

One benefit of surrendering to Christ Jesus the Savior and Lord is that we will receive a new and completely opposite set of characteristics in our nature. The second type of individual, that I call the spiritual person, is described as follows:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.” (Galatians 5:22-26)

An individual with the characteristics of the spiritual person will undoubtedly have wonderful and fulfilling relationships and a much happier life. Which individual would you rather have for a friend? Would you consider marrying the first one? Do you believe that the second one would want to marry you? Can you imagine being an earthly person and married to another earthly person?  If we are earthly people, we may have to work with earthly people, develop bonding relationships with them, or depend on them for various things important to our peace, satisfaction, and general well-being. Most of our conflicts will be clashes between selfishness, jealousies, envy, and etcetera.

One may ask, “But becoming a Christian will not exempt us from working with, bonding, and depending on such people.” Yes, we still have to interact with earthly people, but he or she cannot find in us the other half of the conflict. This is where the other title of Christ Jesus comes into focus. We submit to Him in all things because He is Lord. Submitting to His Lordship will prevent us from making our own choices in a conflict or potential conflict (A soft answer turns away wrath). Not only does He help us make the choice in relationships, He will help us make the choice in the most important relationship of our life, marriage.

I’m sure by now that you are wondering just how this is possible. How can a natural individual have a relationship with a supernatural individual? After all, we cannot see Him, touch Him, hear Him, and all the other factors necessary for relationships in this temporal realm. The answer is that at the point that we confess that we are sinners, sincerely submit to Him, declare Him as our Savior and Lord, and mean it in the depth of our hearts, He imparts His Spirit into us to co-habit with our spirit. To explain how wonderful that is, just consider how close you would be to the one that you loved enough to marry if that person’s spirit could come inside of you. You would have to be completely devoted to them to even allow such a thing. It is a bit scary to think about. However, if you fully surrender to God, and accept His Son, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He will impart the Holy Spirit into you.

The Holy Spirit imparts the characteristics of love, joy, peace, meekness, temperance, patience, self-control, and more, into our nature. During the process, He helps us to give up the old characteristics to make room for the new ones. This is what God’s word means by “walking in the Spirit”. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to change our nature to conform to the nature of Christ Jesus. If we accept the salvation and Lordship of Christ Jesus, and receive His Holy Spirit, we enter into a wonderful relationship that is greatly satisfying with deep joy and the security in knowing that we will never be rejected or alone. We would have to reject Him and His Holy Spirit to lose the benefits of such a relationship. Anyone that would want to do that would have to be deceived or foolish.

So there you have it. The options have been laid out clearly for you. You can take your chances in a world that is replete with person number one types, and try to navigate those murky and tumultuous waters as a person number one. Or you can decide that the best course is to surrender to Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to change your nature into a nature like His. An even greater benefit is realized after we fulfill our life here. The fact is that earthly people are the cause of all the world’s ills. Therefore, they are guilty of many sins and have no hope of eternal life. Conversely, spiritual people are promised the reward of eternal life in the kingdom of God. Thus, they not only have a purpose in this world and the means to fulfill it, but they have something to look forward to when they exit this temporal realm.

It is not a difficult choice to understand. The difficulty may be in making it. People have difficulty in making the choice because it seems too good to be true. They wonder if they could really be happier, truly be more at peace, and if they would really be satisfied by surrendering to Christ. The thought of giving up the right to be in control and do whatever they please is unappealing because of those doubts. Well, that is what faith is all about. Either you believe what God promises, or you disbelieve Him. As long as you doubt, you will not make the right choice. You have to fully trust and believe in Him to bring to life the faith to be saved. Someone once said, “Why not take the risk? You can always go back to your old life.” I do not like that philosophy. That indicates partial surrender and a partial surrender only gives you partial experience with partial benefits. That is not a genuine salvation experience.  If you want to experience the fullness of what God has to offer, then give yourself fully to Him. There is less chance that someone who surrenders fully to Him would ever turn back to the bondage and turmoil of person number one. That is the choice. It is the most important one of your life. It is life changing, but it is also an opportunity for life fulfillment. No one can make it for you, and no one can take it away once it is made. How about it? You will make a choice to accept or deny God’s offer.  What will you do?”



Quick and Easy Spirituality – Fast Track to Deception

A significant number of professing Christians and non-Christians are in the hunt for spirituality.  They appear to want it the quick and easy way and they apparently are not concerned about the source or what type it may be.  This has made them susceptible to charlatans that have invaded Christianity.  They are selling Christianity-lite with instant spirituality.  I declare their product to be fraudulent.  There are no quick and easy methods for acquiring the type of spirituality that comes from God.  The quick and easy route to spirituality will lead to a dark pit of activity with demonic spirits. 

The path to spiritual maturity is tedious and slow.  The pace increases only by our sincerity and willingness to surrender to God.  There will always be a battle with the flesh, Satan, and the world system.  However, when you begin praying in earnest, the battle becomes much more intense.  Beginning to read and study the Word of God immediately incurs a struggle.  Cutting back on TV and other interests, attempting to divert your thoughts from worldly interests to godliness, and every other attempt to focus on God will be met with opposition.  The strength and intensity of the opposition becomes even clearer when one attempts to fast.

The truth is that when one endeavors to become spiritual he or she is already on the wrong path.  Instead, we ought to focus on drawing nearer to God and the issue of spirituality will take care of itself.  Roman Catholic monk, Thomas Merton, barren of the Holy Spirit went searching for spirituality and discovered the contemplative version practiced by the Sufi Muslims.  Seeking spirituality instead of seeking God is attempting to satisfy a carnal need to feel righteous and worthy.  That need usually stems from a lack of faith in God.  The faithless one seeks validation from the feeling of spirituality rather than from the knowledge that he or she is fully surrendered to God. 

To be fully surrendered epitomizes drawing nearer to God.  However, most professing Christians do not want to draw near to Him.  They do not want to spend the time and effort.  Additionally, when one attempts to draw near to God he or she may not be immediately rewarded with the feeling of spirituality.  In fact, drawing near to God can initially make us feel unworthy.  Consider that Isaiah was the high priest of Israel.  He saw the Lord high and lifted up in the temple.  Isaiah must have known what God told Moses, that no man can see Him and live.  The presence of the Lord was so great that His glory filled the temple.  Instead of feeling like a super saint, Isaiah felt unclean and in danger of being destroyed by the holiness of God.   

Drawing near to God brings us in closer proximity to His holiness.  No matter how godly we may be, coming into the presence of His awesome and pure holiness will make us feel unclean.  Additionally, His brilliant light will expose all of our flaws and proclivities to sin.  Considering how uncomfortable we become when we are convicted by anointed preaching, how much more uncomfortable we would be in the presence of the pure and holy God?  Additionally, Christ Jesus teaches in John 15 that if when we bear fruit, God purges us so that we will bear more fruit.  Therefore, instead of feeling wonderful and getting a reward for our efforts to draw nearer to Him, we may instead enter a purging process.  This is so unpleasant to many professing Christians that they have settled into a comfort zone void of any intent to acquire faith tried by fire.  Consequently, they have accepted a picture of God splattered with opinions and false concepts of humanity.

Therefore, the majority of professing Christians do not understand the process of drawing nearer to God.  The emphasis of most preaching and teaching is seldom on that topic.  Abstaining from fleshly lusts that war against one’s soul has all but disappeared from Christian endeavor.   The focus is mostly on the temporal realm and God is merely an addition to a compromised belief system.  Additionally, we live in a period of technology, when people would rather text than talk.  Rather than spend the time and effort to become intimate with God, their preference is to “do church” and get all the benefits at once.  Heretics and hirelings have taken advantage of this tendency in professing Christians to sell them on quick and easy spirituality.  The result of this failure is Christianity is awash with New Age heretics and diabolical spirituality. 

Many professing Christians are rushing to accept Contemplative Spirituality.  It is the epitome of quick and easy spiritual vibes.  The dark spirituality that they imbibe arrives with no feelings of unworthiness and no purging process.  The truth is that it makes peace with the flesh.  Further, it comes with a false Christ and a false Holy Spirit that guides them to embrace the god of this world.  As Israel did after Moses went up the mountain to converse with God, they have rejected God’s path to spirituality and entered the pagan way.  It is the ultimate deception, one so clever that it could deceive the very elect. 

An illustration of that deception is Stone Mountain in Georgia.  It is the largest boulder in the world.  One side of the mountain is protected from access by a four-foot fence, and for good reason.  The gradual curve of the boulder is imperceptible and therefore deceptive.  Over the years a number of people, including several dogs, have tragically fallen off the face of the mountain.  They would begin walking toward the edge and were unable to stop.  In 2010, a young man, a banker and avid hiker, ignored the warnings and climbed over the fence.  Tragically, he fell 600 feet to his death.  

Likewise, professing Christians engaging the satanic realm ignore all the warnings.  They are convinced that there is no danger.  When the realization comes that they made a mistake, the great apostasy will have already drawn them into its death grip.  At that point, it is too late to do anything about it.  Like the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25, they will wake up without oil…and without Christ.       

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