Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Response to Those Who Want a Godless World:

So the rulers and influencers of the world system want to eliminate Christianity.  They want to force us to accept homosexuality and other anti-Christian beliefs and practices.  Further, they want removed from society every vestige of Christianity: nativity scenes, the Ten Commandments, etc.  By forcing their agenda on Christians, they hope to convince the majority of Christians that it is not worth bothering to defend their profession of faith.  Ultimately, they wish to divide the faithful from the nominal.  Then they can easily and without any repercussion deal harshly with the ones who refuse to join the forced apostasy.

My response is, if they want this world so badly, then go ahead and take it.  If they want the sorry mess they have made of the culture and society, they can have everything from the whorehouse to the White House.  This world is not my home.  I won’t need or want it after they are finished with it anyway.  I’m going to a better place, a city whose builder and maker is God.  That city will never have a corrupt ruler, never have an act of evil committed in its boundaries, and there will never be a tear shed, or a person die who is a citizen thereof.

So, I say to the corrupt politicians, the financial pimps and money mongers, homosexuals, vile judges, and other parasites and barnacles, go on and take it—every last bit of the sorry mess you have made.  You can have your rat-infested, sin-laden, roach hotel and keep it as long as you can until the end of time.

But there is one problem I feel the need to warn you about.  When you put the finishing touches on your godless society, God will show up to give His opinion of your work.  This is His planet that He spoke into creation.  He did not give mankind an eternal lease on it.  Instead, He gave us permission to occupy it until He arrived to take back full control.

Your problem is that God is a consuming fire.  He is coming in flaming fire.  He is going to purge the earth and everything in it with fire so intense that the elements will melt.  Only whatever survives the fire will remain.  Further, everyone who practiced rebellion against Him will be cast into the lake of fire with the devil and his angels.  That’s the problem.

Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego many years ago were impervious to the fire because God was with them, so God’s people will not be harmed by the fire because God is in them.  Thus, the only way to escape this coming judgement is to become a citizen of God’s kingdom.  That is accomplished by believing in your heart that Christ Jesus is Lord and Savior, that God raised Him from the dead, and confessing those beliefs verbally.  If you are sincere, the Holy Spirit will come to dwell in and possess you and begin the process of transforming you by renewing your mind.

Of course, that means that you will then be a Christian as I am.  You will view the world as hostile to your faith and put yourself at risk of persecution.  However, you will also realize that no matter what you suffer here for being a Christian, it is not worthy to compare to what you will inherit when you arrive in God’s eternal kingdom.

It’s time to make a choice.  Either serve the god of this world, or God Almighty.  You cannot do both.  The time is short.  Things are rapidly coming to a conclusion.  Make up your mind before you run out of an opportunity to choose.  Come Lord Jesus!


  1. Mary Rhew

    Amen! Amen!

  2. Evangelina

    Amen! Things are wrapping up at an accelerated rate indeed. It will only escalate. Make the most of the short time that is left. Just for the record, and I’m not saying this to ‘boast,’ but I don’t let them intimidate me in any way. God is my boss, they are not and I work for Him, not for them. So I just keep on chugging along on His path, doing all the things a Christian would and could do, regardless. I put out a nativity scene on my apartment window at the holidays. I put up a big lit up cross around easter. I wish people a Merry Christmas anyway. (People never hesitate to say ‘happy halloween’ which I quickly tell them I don’t celebrate, they don’t ask me first if I do, so it works both ways!) I send out Christmas cards with the Bethlehem scene on it to every address I have the old fashioned way. I wear a cross many days of the week. I slip in references to God all the time in conversations. I leave gospel tracts all over the path I have travelled. There are many examples. I never back down when pressured. Just today I went out alone to a park by the bay with my evangelism stuff set out for all the many passerby to see the gospel message. For me, nothing has changed. God is still God. Jesus is still my Master. The Great Commission still stands. The truth is still true. The bible is still the Word of God. So my witness and obedience doesn’t change either. Dangers of persecution? That hasn’t changed either. Christians have been persecuted since the beginning, are suffering all over the world, it will go on until that fire burns it all up, and Jesus told us that we would be persecuted. Nothing new there either. The world is evil and yes, it is and will continue getting worse. But our calling hasn’t changed so neither should our perspective. Just keep marching to the victorious beat of His drum!
    Stay blessed!
    With love in Him,

    • God's follower

      It so bothers me looking at USA right now. It’s really true where knowledge abounds, love will slowly disappear in there (1 Corinthians 13:8). Evangelina, I also say the same whenever someone greets me Happy Halloween (as you well know, Philippines is too westernised so people celebrate Halloween here, too). But here it isn’t and will never be a problem to greet Merry Christmas because we celebrate it from September! Well anyway, I can’t celebrate Christmas anymore that’s because December 25 is the day for Saturnalia! I cannot and will never take it to my system how people who started celebrating Jesus’ birth ever thought of putting on the day they celebrate a big pagan day! So let’s better celebrate Jesus’ birthday everyday. (Oh well, all Christian holidays are actually put on days of pagan celebrations :’ (

  3. God's follower

    As how I understand the Bible:
    I’m currently in the book of Ezekiel, and there more and more kingdoms’ names come up, and God tells Ezekiel to warn those kingdoms for the destruction they’re going to face for all their sins.
    Looking at history, those prophecies were all fulfilled already. Those kingdoms got the exchange for their sinful indulgences. People may say those are things of the past… However, if you look at it seriously, those messages in that book – those prophecies on those kingdoms – will happen again in our time.
    Why? The kingdoms back then are eerily similar to powers prevailing today. I cannot specify which power is represented by the Kingdom of Assyria, nor associate one that echoes the greatness of Babylon. There’s the book of Revelations telling how God will punish the world in the final times plus all the references to how judgment to the corrupted will be in all New Testament books… but the books of Ezekiel and Daniel (and possibly, Jeremiah and his Lamentations) are complementary books to Revelations (most especially Daniel).
    Hmm… I may be wrong though, but I just want to say this.

    So yes, those people will get what they want and they can get it… but God will have the final say as you correctly put it in this article, brother C. H. Fisher! Thanks for tirelessly defending God!

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