Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

The Cowardly Silence of American Christians

The silence of America’s Christian leaders concerning the Homosexual Movement’s full-scale assault on Christian-owned business in America is a pusillanimous dereliction of their duty.  There is not even a token outrage from most of them, a show of sympathy, or even a statement distancing themselves from supporting the Homosexual Movement.  No, they are too busy blindly conducting religious business and protecting their positions (sources of income).

Please consider the predicament with extremely dire consequences that we are in.  Our nation is in an unprecedented political and cultural battle for its very soul.  The Homosexual Movement is running roughshod over the country, practically unopposed.  Christianity is being systematically relegated to obscurity to the point of complete social alienation.  Why will Christians not rise up en masse and make a defense?  Because Christianity is anemic and infested with paganism, hypocrisy, materialism, Emergent and Seeker Friendly heresy, ecumenism with cults, etc.  Its leaders are too willfully ignorant and cowardly to stand up against the diabolical flood of heresy, much less the outright militant attack on Christian freedom of expression.  Christian weakness and affinity for easy believism and heresy are beyond the critical mass.  Many Christians are spiritually bankrupt and have no clue.  Consequently, Christianity is in a free-fall plunge into great apostasy.

Concurrently, Islam is sweeping through the world either by violence or by guile and intrigue.  Entire families and villages are being murdered by beheading, burning, dismemberment, or else forced into sex slavery.  We are poised on the precipice of one-world religion, one-world government, and a global cashless economy.  The entire world despises Israel.  Even America’s president is attacking her.  There are few signs left to be fulfilled before the advent of the Antichrist and False Prophet.  Conversely, millions of do-nothing, cowardly, carnal Christians are completely apathetic to this state of affairs, because they believe they can coast their complacent, unfaithful, hides all the way to the Rapture.  Good luck with that one.  You’re going to need luck when your faith is as mushy and rotten as two-day-old manna with Pharisaical elitism.

To put it more bluntly, this is not a period for cowardly silence or for softening our words for fear of rejection or reprisals.  We should not cower in sequestered positions of quasi-diplomacy.  I heard Bill O’Reilly declare that with the exception of Dr. Robert Jefferies, in all of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism he could not find one high ranking leader to come on his program in opposition to the homosexual agenda.  It broke my heart.  Where are the Holy Spirit-filled men and women of God?  Why are they so weak with so much power?  And most importantly, why should any Holy Spirit-filled Christian consider becoming spiritually and physically mute at a time that calls for trumpet voices and steel-backboned prophets?

I say to every true Christian pastor, stop supporting evil by placid submission to this outrage.  Where is your courage?  Are you not filled with the Holy Spirit?  Does He not give you the unction to speak the truth boldly and unflinchingly?  Where are the “Jeremiahs”, the “Amos’s” and the “Elijah’s”?   Where is your voice, pastor, evangelist, bishop, Christian author, journalist, denominational leader, blogger, etc.?  What about you, so-called Faith Healer, prophet, Word-of-Faith super apostle?  Satan got your tongue?!!  You claim to cast out demons, but you can’t heal yourself of the mealy mouth!  You can speak boldly and harshly against people that oppose your doctrine, and call for “Holy Ghost machine guns” to blast your detractors.  But you are as silent as a grave when the gargoyle of homosexuality sinks its slobber-poisoned fangs into Christian liberty.  Hypocrites!!!

Don’t believe a lie!  The Homosexual Movement is not a minority race struggling against discrimination.  The same spirit of darkness that is in the diabolical brute beasts who are massacring Christians in other nations operates in the Homosexual Movement in America.  There is no greater and lesser Satan.  It is all pure Satanism demanding preeminence!  This is not the time to put on diapers, grab a pacifier, waddle to the pulpit, and declare a version of, “Your best life now!”  It is our generation’s turn to stand up for truth and righteousness no matter what the cost!!!

Don’t like what I’m saying?  Find another social media venue.  I’m through mollycoddling tenuous Christians who stick their big toe into the water of boldness, and draw it back complaining, “It’s too cold.”   If you are afraid of the cost, why did you ever decide one day that you would carry the cross?  The commitment to this journey was not, “until we reach the rough place in the road,” but all the way to the finish line.  May I suffer torture and death rather than believe that my silence and inaction are the way I show God how grateful I am for His mercy, grace, and love, unto the saving of my wretched soul.


  1. Larry Cheek

    I would totally agree that the homosexual agenda has been a well orchestrated, long time coming, well planned assault. We can see the roots of it in television more than 30 years ago. It’s been incremental in becoming the new “normal”. Christians have fallen into the political correctness traps laid by those who take their agendas very seriously. I am not sure what you suggest but I would argue much of our problem to date comes from improper handling. The church has a tendency to back itself into hypocritical corners where it cannot escape and save face. I feel the problem is that we have repeatedly tried to legislate morality by making laws for others to follow in their private lives. This does not wash with Jesus example or with what our founders intended when they framed the bill of rights and our constitution. Hence the Hypocrisy. Am I suggesting churches allow homosexuals in leadership or influential positions or that they accept the sin at all? Of course not. All I am suggesting is IF the church would have followed Christ’s example of dealing with folks one on one without condemnation of an entire group with a blanket statement, I feel we could have been more effective in curbing the tide. Jesus loved people and condemned sin. Period. Unfortunately, the folks on the other side of this argument have never seen the love of Jesus in our position and that is precisely what HE said would draw them to us.I feel our own local liquor by the drink vote a few years back is a great example of what I’m talking about. Local churches “speaking out or standing up” were an embarrassment. I still come in contact with folks to this day who swear they’ll never go to church based on that incident alone. Instead of bashing the yea votes perhaps they could have shared their position in love and had some examples to fall back on where they’d actually helped someone with alcohol addiction rather than condemning them to hell…

    • C.H. Fisher

      Since we live in the same area, I can attest to the fact that many professing Christians who railed against the liquor-by-the-drink law were terrible representatives of Christianity. Many of them accused other Christians of liberalism for questioning their demeaning letters to the editor and other rancorous behavior. My position was and is that I am against drunkenness, but I’m also against hypocrisy.

      The same thing occurred during the battle over gay marriage in our state. I wasn’t for gay marriage, but I was repulsed by the behavior of those same hypocrites who sullied the name of Christ during the liquor debate. Again, they called other Christians liberals who challenged their self-righteous conduct and damaging statements. None of them would lift a finger to bring people to Christ. But they expended a lot of time, energy, and money when the consequences of their unproductive spiritual lives invaded their comfort zones. They did much more harm than good by their Pharisaical performance in both events.

      Sadly, those professing Christians indeed caused a resentment against Christianity that remains today. God never told us to attack sinners, but to manifest love and respect toward them. The best way to diminish sin in society is for Christians to win sinners to Christ.

      That aside, I must say that individual homosexuality is a different issue than the radical Homosexual Movement. I read somewhere that even many homosexuals do not agree with this diabolical movement. The fact is, the movement is not populated only by homosexuals fighting for tolerance of homosexuality. It is loaded with liberal progressives whose agenda is fanning the flames of grievance for the purpose of eradicating every public display of Christianity and completely removing its influence in society.

      The leaders of Christianity should publicly oppose this Movement and their activities. They should support the people who are suffering under its attack, namely business owners and elected officials who dare to make a stand. It can be done effectively in a godly manner. The Apostle Paul calls it “exposing the unfruitful works of darkness” by our light.

      • Larry Cheek

        I agree Pastors and leaders should not be silent or luke warm on the subject.The only problem from my observation is most have a hard time walking the line between condemning sin and condemning whole groups of people. This type of blanket statement condemnation is precisely what alienates those in sin and remove much chance of redemption…

        I also agree there is an underlying goal to remove anything Christian from the public eye but
        real change will only happen from the bottom up with Christians just being Christlike. If we think passing laws or winning elections will curb the tide, I think history has proven otherwise. If Christians worked as hard at winning the lost as they do at passing certain legislation to “outlaw sin” we would have already saved the world!

        The folks behind all this have learned very well that keeping the populace divided into groups over hot button issues makes them ineffective. Sadly most Christian Americans now fall into these patterns as well. The media on both sides play the populace like a fiddle by pushing emotional buttons and eradicating any critical thinking.

        • C.H. Fisher

          It is definitely all a big complicated mess, and it is not going to get any better. I’m old enough to have watched it occur. It is very sad to watch the spread of wickedness gobbling up everyone in its path that is mesmerized with the world system. The only hope is to awaken the slumbering professing Christian masses. To remain silent is to condemn them to apostasy.

        • Amy Clayton

          I could not have said that any better – I completely agree with your words of wisdom on politics and Christianity in America! The fierce division of the 2 political parties of our country is absolutely making people jump to one side or the other and ONLY defend the politics of their “side” – whether right or wrong, it’s become their religion, it has completely replaced true religious conformities. I grew up poor, I was in the lower income working class so by default of these circumstances, I became a democrat-period. They were the party that was trying to help ME, my circumstances and the people I loved. So even though I disagree with abortion, homosexuality and I am a believer of Jesus Christ – that is the side I fell on and voted for. I see that everywhere, IF the people are educated or interested enough to even care about voting and politics – because the majority is not. In my opinion, the biggest thing turning most people against Christ, and it is an epidemic – is politics. The fact that in this country the only religous party is the Republican party, the RICH and well off and that is as far from Christ as you can get – so what do we do?? Do I vote only for the rich to prosper in order to represent Christ?? That sure doesn’t feel right – so do I vote for what social situations I want to see changed even though that party disrespects my God way too often??

  2. Evangelina

    They are silent because they are part of the harlot church. Harlots do things for money, or avoiding the loss of it, it is their main motivation. If these big high-and-holy leaders would do their job and speak out about it all, they would be given the boot, and they are not willing to count the cost of discipleship. I read somewhere that to maintain a 501c3 church status ($) they have to comply with a list of compromises, that being one of them, so their mouth regarding lgbt has been muzzled or they lose their status and other things. They won’t admit it, but I did some digging and uncovered that dirty little secret. They play hush up real well, don’t want to make waves, rustle any feathers, just sail along into the sunset… or so they think. But that path will take them off the cliff. There are many limbs to the harlot and the state church here is one of them. I do what I can to sound many trumpets, but mostly it falls on deaf ears. At least I know my conscience is clear and I’m on the right side of all of this, oppressed for righteousness sake with the favor of the Lord that can’t be bought but is priceless beyond infinite measure. They may keep their castles in the meantime, but they are built on sinking sand and in the end all their treasure is worthless.
    I totally agree with you and love the way you put it all, I see that all the time, ‘riding into the rapture’ with a rebellious lifestyle mentality, and that ‘I’ll follow Jesus until it gets uncomfortable’ attitude, thinking it’s all okay, but no it’s not.
    God bless you! ( :

  3. Lisa

    Perhaps you won’t like my disagreeing with you, but I do.
    In the end times the world gets worse and worse. We aren’t gonna save this world or America by speaking up. We aren’t gonna slow it down or even make it go away.

    But of it makes you feel better-every true Christian will have a chance to die for God. We know that we will be persecuted and killed for our faith because the Bible tells us so. There also seems to be many beheaded martyrs under the alter who won’t take the mark. So if you do make it to that point-no one will escape the decision to take the mark or not. It will get harder and harder to stand faithful to God.

    I don’t know why many Christians think that by not saying anything or getting as angry and worked up as you seem to be means that we are bad Christians. I don’t understand where you get your thinking that we stand up as one and then-what? It all goes away? Nothing in the book of Revelation or Matthew 24-25, etc happen-or we delay it for awhile. I don’t see that, I see it going along its path and no one can move it back. Just like God’s righteous right arm. When it’s outstretched-who can turn it back? We conquer evil and those things don’t happen? I don’t really understand your thinking on this.

    But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I don’t go away, the helper will not come to you; but of I go I will send Him to you. And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement.

    • C.H. Fisher

      You wrote, “Perhaps you won’t like my disagreeing with you, but I do.”
      Many people disagree with me, so I don’t suppose it matters if another one climbs on the pile.

      I agree that the world will become increasingly more wicked in the last days. However, it is a straw man argument to imply that I said we (Christians) are going to save the world, slow down wickedness, or make it go away. Nope, I didn’t say that. Some of the rest of your sentences are unintelligible. One of your clear sentences is, “I don’t understand your thinking on this?” Although I do not grasp how you can rebuke someone for comments that you don’t understand, I apologize for not making myself clear. Let me explain further.

      As Christians, we are instructed to “expose the unfruitful works of darkness.” (Ephesians 5:11) We are also told to fight a proper battle. (Ephesians 6:12) Certainly, the day will come when the Antichrist and his minions will dominate society. That does not mean that we are to concede defeat to him in advance. That would be like a fighter realizing that he will eventually lose a fight, so he goes in the ring for his first battle, hands down, and lets the other fighter knock him out.

      There are no scriptures that command us to become passive in the last days and allow Satan to run amuck on the earth without opposing him. In that case, we would cease winning the lost, surrender our children and grandchildren, and keep our mouths shut while Satan possess and molests them.

      Why preach God’s word in church buildings if we are resigned to be incognito Christians in public? Imagine how Christian business owners that are attacked by the Radical Homosexual Movement must feel when no Christian leader stands up for them. What does it say to impressionable young people when they witness this cowardice by Christian leaders? Imagine how God must feel when the people He has poured out so many blessing upon refuse to stand up for the truth. However, in other nations they are indeed being martyred for refusing to remain silent.

      It is certainly every professing Christian’s right to choose whether to coast or fight the good fight of faith to the end. I choose to do the latter.

      • Lisa

        I’m not disagreeing with you to pile on you.
        Is it a Christians duty to change the world around him or live godly in Christ? Are we called to convict the world or have the answer? The scripture I gave shows the Holy Spirit convicts the world. I don’t see the apostles fighting to change the world around them-they are trying to tell the people the answer to their problems. Tell people about Jesus. I thought that’s what our Christian duty was-share the good news?

        Are we to sit back and let things happen? My answer was you think you can change it? If that’s what is supposed to happen do you really think standing up and fighting against it’s happening is supposed to stop it? I think then you are working against what God is saying is gonna happen. I don’t see that being as productive as you seem to think it would be. To me the productive thing is to pray and ask God to help endure, persevere and overcome. Because it seems to me that that’s what God does expect us to do. We are going to have troubles and persecutions in this life but it’s God we look to.

        I personally don’t think it’s another Christians duty to stand up for me. I think it’s God to whom I should look to for deliverance. Aren’t we supposed to encourage each other in the faith? Isn’t that what a Christian is to do for his brother? Encourage each other that God is the one we need to look to and rely upon? I don’t see that in your response. Its like God is a non entity and we Christians need to stick up and fight for right. You mention Ephesians 5:11, isn’t that what we are to do with one another-expose if we know the darkness in our midst? We aren’t called to convict the world of their darkness. And ya our struggle is against satan and his minions that’s why we put in the armor of God. It’s not the attacking armor its an armor that relies on the strength of God to fight the fight against those heavenly realms.

        In the end it seems to me that you want to rely upon man instead of God.

        • C.H. Fisher

          Since you do not understand God’s word, I can understand why you also misunderstand me. According to your doctrine, Christians have no purpose at all on earth. It is the classic position of the Christian-in-name-only. Church buildings are full of them on Sunday mornings, but they are invisible in the world system. Why did God give us so much power, light, and truth? To hoard it? That’s what the one who buried his talent thought.

          A Christian that has no power to change his or her world has no power to be a Christian. He or she has mere form, no substance. The do-nothing Christian is the reason the world is in such a horrible mess and souls are not being saved. Light drives back darkness. You advocate turning off the light based on the flawed premise of, “Let God do it all.” The apostasy has dimmed the lights of many professing Christians. I would not desire to stand before God on Judgement Day with such a nonproductive philosophy.

          Being a true Christian is not for cowards or weaklings. Further, being a true Christian in an evil world is not “relying on man.” Instead, it is relying on God. God calls us to be a witness, to bear fruit, to expose the darkness. We need His power and wisdom to obey His will.

          Art the risk of offending you, I am strongly impressed to advise you. Please consider getting some counselling or instruction from a qualified Christian leader in your area. It is a serious issue to be in such great contradiction to God’s word in such a time of deception and darkness.

  4. Steve Ryan

    Wow. I thought you had something powerfull to say until I read your responses.

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