Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Response to Charles E. Blake’s Request to Observe Black Lives Matter Sunday

The following is a virtual conversation with Charles E. Blake, Bishop of the Church of God in Christ.  Bishop Blake sent out a call to all Christians to join his denomination in observing Black Lives Matters Sunday.  He also spoke to heads of denominations, including George Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, who agreed to honor BLMS.  Had we actually conversed about BLMS, the following is how it might have gone.  I searched news articles and listened to his speech on BLMS to his congregation.  This virtual conversation includes his statements and the statements of supporters.

Blake: “Mr. Fisher, I respectfully request that your church join with the Church of God in Christ as we sponsor a day of prayer throughout our 12,000 congregations around the world, in honor of Eric Garner and Michael Brown that were killed by police.”

Me: “Mr. Blake, I find that an amazing and disturbing request. You really want me to join your church in honoring two criminals that were killed in the process of resisting arrest? Why these two men? Couldn’t you find a couple of incidents where truly innocent black men were gunned down by rogue cops?  Also, Black Lives Matter Movement is an organization Christians ought not to be associated with.”

(The conversation may have ended at this point? But for the sake of extrapolation, we will go on.)

Blake: “Well, you see, the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner and the Grand Jury verdicts takes us back years in the struggle for equal justice. As a result, many black people feel that their lives are not highly valued by many in white America. We need to speak with one voice that police forces are to abide by the laws they are called to enforce. They should not bring fear to our citizens, but rather confidence.”

Me: “White America? Really? I am struggling to understand that term in this multi-colored nation with a black President, Attorney General, and Supreme Court Justice.  There are more African Americans employed by the Government than all other races combined.

“Additionally, I do not believe you suddenly feel that your life does not matter as the result of a criminal’s death.  White criminals have been killed by black police officers. I seldom hear about those cases since they do not make it into the news. However, it never crossed my mind that my life does not matter as a result of a white criminal’s death. No matter what happens in the world, I know that my life matters because Christ Jesus paid the ultimate price for me. He is the only reason anyone’s life is ‘highly valued.’  I will not ignore that fact because of what occurs in the world or else I would be unstable in my Christian walk.

“Further, please explain how it will make you feel better to join forces with the world system and protest on Sunday.  That’s the day when we should be feeding God’s people the milk and meat of the Word. If that is all it takes, then your feelings of worthlessness must not be very deep. May I suggest that prayer is a better balm than protesting in God’s house?”

Blake: “We must find a way, through God’s help, to continue the work of emphatically telling everyone that will listen that black lives matter! We need to unite and remind the nation how important the lives of African Americans are. We also must insist that the federal, state, and local governments install some measure to police the police.  Are you refusing to join us in this show of unity?”

Me: “If it were about racial unity, there would be no question about joining you. It is not about racial unity.  It is about what you are really asking us to do. You are asking us to join the world spirit.  You are not asking us to affirm our love and support for you; that we will do and as often as occasion presents.  And our love extends to the Michael Brown and Eric Garner families. But we also love the people whose livelihoods were destroyed in Ferguson, Missouri. We love law enforcement personnel who risk their lives daily to protect citizens and enforce the law. We love the other races that are adversely affected by the lawless rioting and looting as the result of race-baiting.

“We cannot ignore them to join you in what appears to be an effort to ignore the rule of law, shame and ostracize police officers many of whom are your Christian brothers and sisters.   We cannot accept the conclusion of race-baiters that have created this present facade of racial injustice. What you are attempting to do on Sunday is wrong. It is supporting the wrath of the world system. It is not grounded in truth. It will cause much harm, division, mistrust, and bring disgrace upon Christianity. I counsel you to abandon your plan.”

Blake: So you are choosing to agree with the murderers of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. You agree with the Grand Jury that black lives do not matter. Black men are being tried on the sidewalk, gunned down simply because of the color of their skin and you are not concerned. You do not want racial reconciliation and healing over the ugly history of slavery and Jim Crow, the spirits of which live on with the mass incarceration of black Americans in this nation. You are unwilling to support healing and unity that God’s word declares all true Christians must believe and practice. We are admonished in God’s word to “mourn with those who mourn.” How dwells the love of God in you? If Spirit-filled Christians cannot find a way to work together to heal these divisions, what hope is there for the rest of the country?”

Me: “But you say one thing and mean another. You say “unity,” but you mean “division.”  You say “justice,” but you mean “special treatment.”  You say “honor”, but you mean “shame” and “intimidation” of law enforcement.  You say “reconciliation” and “healing”, but you mean “kowtow to race-baiters and the grievance industry.”  You say “end racism”, but you mean “support black racism.”  Under those terms there will be no healing in observing BLMS, but only more division and strife.  You cannot generate respect and honor for black people by promoting shame and dishonor for white people.

“Further, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a racist.  Every negative experience involving a white person is not racism.  You asked your congregation how many had a negative experience with the police, and 99% raised their hands.  A speeding ticket is a negative experience with the police.  Why didn’t you ask them how many had been shot or choked unjustly by the police?  That’s what you claim to be protesting.  And since most black people are killed by other black people, why didn’t you ask how many had a negative experience with another black person?”

“The critical and most pressing need of the black community is to strengthen and support black families.  There are also the issues of black unemployment, gangs, influence of rap, hip-hop and the drug culture, lack of proper education, abortion, and out-of-wedlock pregnancies.  These are serious issues that any Christian would join you in solving.  But I will not join you in ignoring truth, rejecting the Rule of Law, and joining the race-baiting spirit of the world.  I might add that when the church fails to influence and change the culture of a generation, it is a bit hypocritical to blame the police and judicial system, or any other entity for the consequences.”

Blake:  “I find your remarks rather offensive.”

Me.  “The truth offends some people.  With all due respect, there is a way to solve that.  One only has to cover the distance of about 2 feet.  That’s approximately how far it is from our knees to the floor.  Prayer removes all the offense of truth.  If you want to pray now, I will join you.

(At this point, the conversation ends. “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”  Amos 3:3)



  1. Mary Rhew

    Very well said. It’s not a race issue , it is a heart issue. If people had Christ in their hearts, then instead of hate , would be love. And we would all work together to pray and help each other. Keep teaching the truths of God’s Word. And standing for Truth.

  2. Diana

    SUPERB essay, Pastor! You have here in a nutshell shown exactly how the fake Christian line of “reasoning” will operate when all Hades breaks loose and the world-wide religion will take over. They will take Christian principles and cunningly twist them to make true believers look like evil people, which will no doubt blackmail many into caving in, bec. after all, who wants to be deemed a “racist” or a “homophobe,” the 2 strongest terms of opprobrium in modern Western society? For decades, the Liar Crew have cleverly groomed the population to cringe at even the slightest “racist” or “homophobic” thought, thereby creating a built-in muzzle on people’s ability not only to speak the truth, but even to recognize it.

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