Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

“If Rape is Inevitable…”

Coach Bobby Knight created controversy when he said, “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” Of course, it was an outrageous statement that divulged a narcissist with utter disrespect for women. But what if that philosophy is applied to other situations in life, and by millions of people? Can it be applied to murder? What about applying it to the death of a nation? It appears to be applied by the attitude of people that refuse to vote. I have heard and read variations of the statement, “Both (political) parties are rotten, so what’s the use of voting?” In other words, “If rape is inevitable…”

The fact is, our nation is being raped. It has been violated by individuals that intend to forcibly strip away every jot of dignity and decency, make Judeo-Christian values illegal, force Christianity to convert to the will of the State, destroy the traditional family, elevate homosexuality to natural and normal status, replace Democracy with a quasi-Marxist/socialist government, remove the second amendment from the Constitution, and the list goes on. The term “rape” is appropriate because the Federal Government now spies on its citizens, uses the IRS, a corrupt judiciary, and other strong-arm means to force its will on the people. Unprecedented abuses of power have occurred in the past 6 years that should make every decent American race to the polls to rid our nation of the pestilence. But how quickly and easily people forget.

The majority of registered voters, including many professing Christians, will not vote today because they wish to relax. Relaxation, comfort, and convenience, are much more important on this beautiful sunny day. Of course, there are those under a delusion who will vote for more buddy time with the crowd headed down a path to moral dissolution. No one can reach the latter group with the truth because everything is flipped upside down in their world. However, professing Christians ought to know better, They should have recognized the erosion of freedom, the disintegration of democracy, the corruption and ineptitude of the present administration, the ostentatious use of power to silence critics, and the egregious enforcement of immorality. However, many refuse to do anything about it when they have the opportunity.

There is a good reason for this passive surrender to oppressive violation of their freedom and Constitutional liberties. They have grown accustomed to someone else bearing and carrying out their responsibilities. They visit church meetings where they expect pastors to do all the work of making them feel spiritual and special. They go about their business enjoying life never considering the individuals who sacrifice and have sacrificed their lives fighting to keep our nation free. They live in a push button, instant gratification, electronic gadget-infested world where they can block out unpleasant thoughts of ominous and encroaching evil. Voting brings them back into reality; something that they refuse to tolerate even for a few minutes. They’d rather think, “If things get better, let someone else be responsible for that occurring.” Right! And if it doesn’t get better, just relax and enjoy it, “que sera, sera”.

Someone asked me, “But do you believe my vote really counts?” I replied, “Yes it does. For one thing, you’re not complicit with the forces that are bent on destroying America and Christian freedom. Further, you are exercising the freedom that many people died to preserve for you. Not to vote is not to do what is right. It is not to speak out against evil, but to give evil unopposed access to authority.”

I agree that inevitably this nation will fall to what Alexis de Tocqueville called “soft despotism” and eventually join the Antichrist controlled one-world order. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. But as long as Christians can do anything to delay or slow it down, we must do so. Voting may give us a couple of years of relative freedom to do God’s work. However, if the Democrats win this election, we will cease be a “government by the people and for the people.” America will die. Her eulogy should include the fact that she was not murdered, she committed suicide. To people offended by what I wrote, you may as well just relax and enjoy it. For why should anything I write spoil your delusion?


  1. Larry Cheek

    I would agree with much of this. Christians should be involved in their country’s political process instead of being switched off, waiting for Christ’s return. However, I would say the biggest “disillusion” we face in this country is that two political parties exist. The left right paradigm is the best played hoax of our time. It keeps our country’s citizenry distracted and divided over issues that rarely change. Meanwhile our freedoms are destroyed in the name of either our own safety or political correctness.

    Yes, there are Republicans (just a few) that may be worthy of your vote but too many times Christians vote for a party instead of looking at individuals. One of the best plays in this hoax, of late, is that all our woes are to be laid at the feet of our current administration. (ie last 6 years) I am not a fan of the latest occupants of the White House but I dare say most of the groundwork for his abuses of power were laid by his predecessors. Bush II in particular got tons of power hungry mileage out of the post 911 chaos. Many of the executive orders pinned by his administration as well as the contents of the patriot act make Obama look like a softy. Of course, Bush II was a Republican so most Christians were soundly asleep at the switch believing “their guy” was looking out for them. In all actuality, he is one of the worst Presidents for both Christian values as well as our constitutional freedoms this country has ever seen.

  2. Connie Pippen

    I so agree with this article. People in America, even good people, have given in to the lusts of the world and have let evil have her way with America. American values have all but vanished. Morality barely exists. Churches have been deceived, allowing all kinds of evil in. We have rejected God in our Schools, our Courts, our Homes and our Hearts. Now that we have another go at correcting our mistakes and blatant lies, let’s not botch it by rushing in to “clean up America”. Let’s PRAY and ASK for God’s direction and leadership in everything we do. If you are a sincere believer and read the Word of God, then you know how it ends. Yes, America will die. The Anti-Christ will rise and have his One World Order. It is prophecy. However, we serve a loving God and He will allow us another chance to make things right and time enough for a great revival in order for more souls to make heaven. Pray, people. If my people will humble themselves and pray….. Just do it, amen?

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