Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Will the November Elections Save our Nation?

I have said along with many others that if the Democrats are successful in November, America is doomed.  I stand behind that statement.  However, I do not believe that a victory for right thinking and common sense in November will be the panacea for all of America’s ills.  Our nation stumbled and fell into a deep ditch when it elected the most destructive and divisive president in history.  She fell on her sword when she reelected him.  As a result, the damage that has occurred will take decades to undo, if it can be undone at all.  One thing is absolutely clear.  It will not be undone by politics alone.

Bluntly put, our society has reached the tipping point.  It is bloated with individuals that wish the complete destruction of the Judeo-Christian moral system and replacement by a sin-friendly alternative.  They have deceived a significant number of professing Christians to join them in their thinly disguised agenda.  They can now vote whomever they please into political office.  Defeating them in one election does not erase the specter of them coming back again and again every election with a vengeance.

That brings me to the condition of Christianity in our nation.  Christianity is the factor that has kept this nation’s nose a few inches above the rising flow of moral sewage contaminating most of the world.  However, those days are gone.  There has never been a time in our nation’s short history when Christianity has been so diseased and weakened by soul-destroying heresies.  It is symptomatic of an underlying cancer that has been eating away at the foundation for many years.  That cancer is an attack on God and the moral influence and truth emanating from His word.  The focus of that attack has shifted significantly from outside to within Christianity.  Most professing Christians are unaware of the change.

I am convinced that the ones invading Christianity are not Christians and have no desire to be such.  Just as they invaded politics, journalism, public education, and every other sector of influence, they crept into Christianity for the purpose of converting it into a surrogate birthplace for their satanic ideas.  These evil ones have slithered into Bible colleges and Christian Universities to teach apostasy to generations of gullible young Christians.  Both secular and Christian colleges and universities can be a danger to ones spiritual health.

They wormed their way into leadership as deacons, teachers, pastors, and even heads of denominations.  The Christian music industry is inundated with them and their apostate protégés.  Heretical deception flows non-stop from so-called Christian television.  It is very likely that one will encounter dangerous heresy in many Christian books.  The Internet is replete with Christian websites and social media pages that comprise a virtual smorgasbord of heresies.

To make matters worse, scores of leading Christians have been exposed as having committed terrible sins, which is indicative of their spiritual destitution.  However, they never seem to go away or sincerely repent.  Some congregations refuse to evict them from leadership.

Many of these hirelings insist on people giving them money so that they may live opulent lifestyles while their parishioners struggle to makes ends meet.  They speak flagrant blasphemies, court ecumenism with cults, dabble in paganism and New Age practices, and even deny the truth of God’s word.  The situation is so deteriorated that I’m convinced it is now dangerous to attend many churches.

As a result, people are abandoning Christianity in record numbers.  Approximately 4000 churches close down every year and 3500 people leave every day. Of the 250 thousand Protestant churches in the nation, 80% (200 thousand) are stagnant or declining in growth.  (Sources:  various polling data)  Some experts will point out that a significant number of new churches are being planted.  However, many and maybe most of these new plants are Emergent/Seeker Friendly/Launch churches.  Thus, traditional churches are drying up spiritually and closing while heretical ones are stepping into the vacuum left behind.  This indicates that traditional Christianity is being systematically replaced by new, glitzy, but heretical Christianity.

In view of these facts, do we really believe that a big win for conservatives in November will bring about America’s salvation from despotism and ruin?  A win may grant a reprieve from the relentless hopelessness that many Americans endure.  But what will they do with it?  Will American Christians rise up in force and begin to push back the flood of evil with their prayers, commitment and obedience to God?  Will they get serious about abandoning their obsession with the gospel of materialism and comfort?  Or will they remain on the same path of declension buying books, movies, music, sending offerings, and sitting in church buildings, that sponsor heresy and the ones that spread it?

In my honest opinion, I believe that even if conservatives won in November, professing Christians would squander away the opportunity.  Giddy from victory, they would develop a false sense of security and be completely unprepared for the next presidential election.  Free from the sense of impending doom, they would go back to their complacency, their heresies and their ravenous consumption of everything the world system offers by way of sports, music, and entertainment. For two more years they would settle back into the almost imperceptible and gradual slide into apostasy all the while believing that God had delivered them.

I realize that this rains on some people’s parade.  However, the truth needs to be presented here.  The majority of Christians are so desperate for a political victory in this spiritual battle that they gush with adoration for Mormons Glen Beck and Mitt Romney.  They have placed their hopes on Fox News and the Tea Party, sanctioning them as the bastions of Christian principles.  Three decades ago, they would never have wrapped their arms around the people and entities that they are embracing today with total abandon.  Do they not believe in the power of God?  Do they not know how to pray, or is it that they are unwilling?  Why do they trust in man when it is clear that no man can save this wicked world and unrepentant church from the destiny of their mutual course?

We cannot honestly believe that (with the election of a few conservative people) we are going to escape this terrible predicament by returning to a particular point along the path of disobedience.  When God says “Return”, He does not mean to back up a little bit.  He means to turn about face, go back to the place where we went astray, and get back on the course of His perfect will.  Anything less than that may prolong the consequences of a wayward course, but it will not prevent the inevitable conclusion.


  1. Mary Rhew

    Amen ! Amen! This is Exackly right. Well said Bro. Fisher.

  2. Tam

    Amen. I have been reading your blog for sometime now. Have read many if not all the archived articles. You have articulated what I see happening in the churches around. I once attended faithfully and now I have not gone for some time. Where is the discernment when we have Yahweh Yoga, read the Purpose Driven Life and the Shack. No calls to repentance, no prayers, no altar calls, no change in lifestyles, nor interest in prophecy. I am however spending more time in the word and praying than I ever before. May God’s mercy be upon us in these times. They do not see what is coming, nor do they want to think about how their well-ordered “Christian” lives will be changing. Voting is not the answer. My words fall on deaf ears. Thank you for your writing. I find much encouragement in your writing. A sister in Christ.

  3. Victoria

    Hi and blessings!

    Many good points are made and I notice the same thing; the old churches are drying up and the only new ones are the emergent/seeker friendly variety. I live in an area with so many churches and have been to every one in a large radius that is not some sort of cult or liturgical protestant line, and even those have slipped into the apostasy stew.

    Only, Republicans are not the answer either, they are inundated with fascism and other ills. Both parties are flawed and as a believer I don’t look to politics as the solution. It is all a puppet show, they put on their show on each side but in the end the elite behind the curtains do what is on their agenda anyway. Ever notice that? I’m not saying don’t vote, but lately there hasn’t been a worthy candidate for us to vote for. Anyway, at this stage it’s too late, we are upon the final act on the world scene and the stage is set.

    Another parallel that I have been monitoring is the pattern that lead to the holocaust and nazi’s rise to power is looking very familiar again now, only with a different target and locus of control. It’s definitely worth investigating.

    Blessings to you!

  4. Michael GILES

    Amen, and may god bless you all. I hate to say this but, the decline of America started decades ago. Now as you said it is at a tipping point which I think our country does not have the moral conviction to turn it around. I fear the world and the U.S.A. is on a collision course with destruction. It makes me sad that our once great country has fallen so far. But we have our Lord God to give us comfort. God Bless you all.

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