Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

The Great Delusion – a Worldwide Rejection of Love for Truth

Truth.  The very mention of the world brings dread to the hearts of the compromising professing Christians and the subjects of the world system.  They fear exposure. One who has marginalized or rejected love for truth has rejected Christ.  Christ Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).  Liars declare that Christ Jesus did not speak the truth, but that Muslims, Hindus, and other religions travel to God via their own paths.  Rejection of love for truth is the reason for their great delusion.

At some point the great delusion prophesied by the Apostle Paul has to arrive.

“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2Thessalonians 2:9-12)

It has happened before in history.

“Make the heart of this people dull, And their ears heavy, And shut their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their heart, And return and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:10)

Christ, quoting Isaiah, pointed out to the Pharisees that they were under a great delusion.  They were deluded to the extent that they crucified the Way, Truth, and Life.  The Apostle Paul used the same words in rebuking the Jews that resisted the Gospel. (Matthew 13:15 and Acts 28:27)

Isaiah prophesied about the great delusion.

“Just as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, so will I choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them; because, when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear; but they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight.” (Isaiah 66:3-4)

The leaders of the Emergent Church, NAR, RCC, Seeker Friendly, the Charismatic Movement in general, and Contemplative denominations, which comprises most of Christianity today, are under a great delusion.  They are being set up for the False Prophet and the Antichrist.  The situation is so metastasized that there appears to be no way to reach them, to change their minds, or awaken them to the truth.  They refuse to listen and label the ones attempting to warn them as hinderers to the next great revival or awakening.  They have thrown off all restraints.  Accepting the paganism of New Age doctrines and practices, many of those leaders have become demonic.  The fruit of their demon possession is that they are turning everything upside down.  What was once deemed truth is now being called lies.  They are honoring the diabolical as righteousness.  It stands to reason that they would eventually reach the depth of depravity with their apostasy.

Indicative that they have come under the great delusion is their rejection of God’s word to accept homosexuality as God-sanctioned.  Presently, Christian leaders, publishers, colleges, universities, denominations, and organizations are scrambling to embrace homosexuals as true Christians.  I have a friend in the Christian music business that has written many number one songs over several decades.  He told my wife and me over lunch several months ago that homosexuals had infested Christian music, and that the industry had overwhelmingly accepted homosexuality.  Because of his opposition to homosexuality, he has been ostracized. Homosexuals are being ordained as ministers and offered tenure in Christian colleges and universities.

Sexual sin is a particularly egregious act according to God’s word.  It is an indication that one has completely rejected God.  A professing Christian committing adultery separates him or herself from God and is joined to the one whom they commit sexual sin with.  Otherwise, a member of the Body of Christ is joined in sin to a harlot (1Corinthians 6:13-20), which would be impossible. Imagine one defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit in such a manner.

“If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” (1 Corinthians 3:17)

How can so many Christian leaders ignore God’s word and encourage joining the members of Christ’s Body to Sodomites?  They have changed the theme of the Gospel from “Jesus Saves” to “Jesus Tolerates”.   It is an indication of just how much erosion of faith by wickedness has occurred.  The prophetic sign of Sodom and Gomorrah does not simply mean that we are entering the last days, but evidence that we are near the end.  Failure to realize that fact is a deadly mistake being made by scores of Christians leaders.  Combined with the malignant hedonism that is rapidly spreading throughout the world system, only one that is spiritually blind would not recognize where we are on the prophetic timetable.  The fact is that the core of leadership in Christianity is rotting in all sectors. Apathy and ignorance is rampant in the mass of professing Christians.  Surely, calamity will come upon them as a thief that they were warned about, but were not watching for.  They will not simply be plundered, but destroyed.

I remarked to my wife last night after reading some news about the condition of Christianity that it was in a free fall now. Anything can happen at any time.  People had better be on guard and spiritually prepared.  I cannot convey it strong enough that this is a very dangerous time to be spiritually weak, distracted, deceived, or lost.  I particularly do not agree with the “coasting” theory.  Many Christians are looking for the rapture to take them out before they suffer.  They fail to recognize that God’s word does not tell them that they will be exempted from all suffering. Millions of Christians are suffering unspeakable horrors worldwide.  America is on the brink of joining them.  We will not suffer the wrath of God, but the wrath of Satan and his emissaries is imminent.  Attempting to “coast” until the Rapture is foolhardy.  God’s word declares that it is a fight or a race to the finish.

True Christianity is shrinking in number as the apostasy increases.  If the shrinkage keeps up, we will be marginalized into obscurity and the satanic kingdom will have no opposition.  The safe and comfortable action is to do nothing.  Demoniacs are steering the ship, but they stay in their bunks oblivious to the warnings.  Upon some generation it was bound to come.  Why do we believe it is not our generation when so much evidence exists that it is?  In spite of incredible and bizarre signs that the apostasy is fully formed and encroaching every corner of the world, professing Christians sleep on.  They have little or no oil in their lamps or reserves.

God is calling, if they will hear: “Wake up, O sleepers! Otherwise, take your rest!  However, it will not be My ‘Sabbath Rest’.  The eternal night is rapidly falling and the door to the sheepfold is closing, but you are sleeping outside the gate.  You are not outraged; neither can you blush at the encroachment of hideous sin that ravages even the youngest generation.  Your hearts are filled with excesses.  You are ashamed of Me.  You refuse to defend My honor.  You do not love My truth. You allow the most wicked to defile My truth, and you are afraid to speak.  You are comforted in the multitude of your deceptions.  Although you claim to be sons and daughters of the Most High, your fruit is diseased with unfettered desire for the world system.  Can you endure to the end when you cannot tolerate the voice of His prophets?  Can you survive the flood of evil when you disdain the washing of water by the Word?  Will you pass through the fire (and God is a consuming fire) when you refuse to feed the smoldering embers of your dying passion for Him?  You chase after everything demonic, but run from the Holy One.  A multitude of sorceries is your attraction, complacency and apathy is your covering, and deception is your food.  When you call to Me in the Day of My wrath, I will not answer.  You were blind and I healed you.  You were naked and I clothed you.  You were bound and I unchained you.  You were filthy and I washed you.  You were rejected and unloved, and I loved you.  Now you have rejected Me, the fountain of living water, to drink from the broken cisterns polluted with all manner of unrighteousness.  I did not forsake you, but you have forsaken Me.  Repent and return!  Come and receive forgiveness while there is still time.  If you linger, you will die in your sin.  If you refuse, when time is no more, you will remain eternally in your fallen state.”


  1. Mary Rhew

    Amen! Bro. Fisher, yes I believe we are living in the last days. They call good evil and evil good. Pray for my family.I’ve seen and heard things in the past week.If it wasn’t for God’s grace and his strength.I don’t know how, I could have made it. God is my refuge and strength. Thank you for taking a stand.

  2. Diana

    There is definitely a rottenness afoot—a putridness, Pastor, no doubt about it. But I’m not convinced yet that we are totally at the end (tho I might be dead wrong about that): see, there has been MASSIVE decadence over and over thruout man’s history; every single civilization goes thru the same cycle (which is why I think that the Easterns who talk about history being cyclical are partly right: there are cycles that repeat themselves, but history of course is on the trajectory towards That Day). First, lowliness, then mole-like pushing up and developing, then the Glory Phase = the Apex, then slow decline and finally, putridness. Happens with EVERY SINGLE great civ in recorded history.

    Did you watch the opening of the Olympics (my mother had it on and I stood there for about 10 min. fascinated by how DIFFerent these Communist Orientals are from Westerners—in a GOOD way!)? Do you recall the absolutely breathtakingly regal young woman in the very attractive yet also very modest red dress who spearheaded the procession (actually, it might’ve been the “victory march” at the end; it was so long ago, I might be getting them mixed up, sorry)? She was 1000% more beautiful (and “sexy” in a very godly way) than the millions of Western—especially American—sluts our society is contaminated with.

    That young woman to me was a symbol of what might yet happen: Communism will either erode (implode like it did in Russia) or there’ll be massive rebellion amongst even the army and the leadership. Once that happens, China could once again be the kind of Great Civ it was many centuries ago, and perhaps God will then work thru THEM for a season.

    Read this absolutely RIVETING essay and you will be astounded how cyclical man’s history really is! http://www.rexresearch.com/glubb/glubb-empire.pdf. It made me less convinced that the end of the world is nigh, and more convinced that simply the end of Western Civ is nigh {sniff}. It grieves me, as I am a thorough Occidentalist (in the fullest sense of the word, btw).

    Anyway, I do think you’re right that it’s only a matter of time before we get “fed to the lions.” All the first signs are there: the anti-Cross/anti-Christmas/anti-creche crusades; the exaltation of what is vile (but notice that this was already happening in Noah’s day, as well as in the days of the Psalmist, viz. “On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man.” Ps. 12:8), etc. So yah, we need to be vigilant and sober.

    May He grant us the endurance we’ll need. And the faithfulness!

  3. Diana

    Sorry, I wasn’t clear about which Olympics I was referring to: obviously, I meant the Chinese Olympics, and the young woman was wearing a long, sweeping red dress—just GORRRRjuss (I wanted to replicate her as one of the dolls I make, LOL!).


  4. Ben Scott

    God bless you for speaking the truth no matter what. The truth is so powerful that sometimes one can only be silent and receive it in . This message will either draw thankfulness for its truth with an inward looking or further harden those who have turned from the truth. As you have said, it is not too late to receive Gods truth and turn today! God is merciful to those who seek the truth. Thank you. Ben and Martha

  5. wandakate

    Isn’t it the TRUTH that will set us free? We have been fed lie after lie from the pulpits of America’s churches in every city. We don’t seem to know right from wrong anymore. The “evil” one has been busy going to and fro seeing whom he could deceive. He’s been keeping his “demons” active and they have infiltrated our churches and won the people (souls) and they are happy about their work for their master Satan.
    We are indeed living in some of the last days on earth but many things must happen before JESUS (YESHUA) returns. The great falling away and the man of sin must appear (the antichrist) and he will deceive and he will rule the entire world from the temple in Jerusalem. There is no escape route for the Christians. The Bible does not lie. JESUS asked the FATHER to protect those who belonged to him but not to remove them. We aren’t going anywhere, we’ve just been told that we are, and people are not facing reality. They don’t want to discuss the Mark of the beast or the Antichrist b/c they think they aren’t going to be around for any of that, and of course that is not Biblical. Many Christians don’t want to hear the truth, they want what their itching ears want to hear even if it’s a lie b/c they want to “feel good”. The love that “feel good” gospel and the “health and wealth” gospel and the “name it and claim it” gospel as well as that old “prosperity” gospel. GOD never said he wanted us healthy, wealthy and wise. He wants us to be in obedience to him and to love the truth and not the things of this evil world.
    We are to be in the world but not of the world. We are to walk our talk, and we are to “obey” the word, the laws and commandments of GOD. We are unfortunately falling short, way short of what has been expected of us and yet we still think we’re going to escape. The “TRUTH” is that we aren’t escaping anything. Satan wrath will be upon us as well as the sinners. It’s only the wrath of GOD that we will escape and that is the bowl judgments described in Revelation. We will certainly be here for the seal and trumpet judgments, so hopefully we’re not fooling ourselves and believing the lies of the evil one. However most people in most churches are believing. Many who think they will be in the Kingdom of GOD won’t be there. We must wise up and study the word to show ourselves approved. We must pray that our flight not be in the winter or on the Sabbath Day, and we must pray to be worthy to stand before the Son of Man.

    We must be tried, tested, and proven worthy. We must pass through the fire. Does the Bible not tell us that we must persevere until the end and then we will be saved? The truth will set you free…

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