Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Satanists Expose their Master as a vile Beast

We were driving around in Little Rock, Arkansas yesterday intending to visit a couple of thrift stores. We visited one and left in a short while without buying anything. Then we came to the mutual agreement to get back on I-40 and hurry on out of Arkansas.

I have nothing against the state of Arkansas. The issue was that we felt such a strong spirit of evil in Little Rock. Of course evil is everywhere. However, just as we sense when a good friend is disturbed, we may sense “spikes” of evil activity in an area.

The next morning I discovered that while we were in Little Rock, satanists were planting a Baphomet statue on the Capitol grounds. I also read that Christians are outraged and demanding that it be taken down. That was also my initial reaction. However, after praying it dawned on me that Baphomet contrasted by the Ten Commandments on the Capitol grounds might backfire on the satanists.

I say, leave it alone. Satan has been doing his wickedness while hiding behind the faces of people. He pretends to be a more benevolent and understanding god—one that wishes us to enjoy our fleshy lusts, not reject and mortify them. It’s time folks see him for what he truly is.

The Baphomet statue represents everything evil. It represents racism because Satan is the author of racism. It represents domestic violence, pedophilia, rape, murder, injustice, torture, terrorism, drug abuse, suicide, and every other evil activity, i. e., all that is wrong, destructive, and harmful in society. His path leads to early physical death and then eternity in hell.

With Baphomet sitting fully exposed, Satan worshippers can no longer disguise who they serve. Satan is represented as vile and intensely horrific by the statue. If the thing were real even the dogs and wild animals would be repulsed by it. As it is, only the pigeons will tolerate and perhaps decorate it.

It was is designed to depict sheer evil and instill fear. Thus, it stands as evidence that Satan is the worst possible choice as a master. The true Master Jesus Christ represents everything opposite of Satan and his Baphomet similitude.

Christians in Little Rock now have the means to present Satan for what he is. Amazingly, they did not have to draw a picture to expose him. Satan’s followers did that for them. Christians can bring their children to the Capitol grounds, or show them a photo, and teach them. They can explain that the consequences of rejecting God is to serve Satan, that he is not the benign boogy man he has hidden behind for eons, but a dangerous supernatural beast that captures and torments souls.

Therefore, let the thing stand as a self-caricature of Satan—a grotesque image of his true nature . Let it be a constant reminder of the stark difference between good and evil, between light and darkness.

Just as darkness exposes the need for light, it will remind us of why we need and must serve God. Furthermore, it will magnify the truths that God is great, that He is love, is compassionate, gracious, and forgiving to all that seek Him, even a satanist. The Baphomet will loom as a testimony that Satan is the evil liar that comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. There is no other reason that he would gleefully represent himself with such a grotesque and threatening image.

1 Comment

  1. Linda

    I do understand the point being made, however I feel it would be best if the beastly representation had a meteor hit it. The real devil will end up in the lake of fire one day also, which is even better.
    The spiritual and supernatural world is real, those most affected and victimized by it are those who doubt its existence.
    Those of us who are aware of the impact of spiritual warfare and how to navigate it know what to do and what to avoid.
    I pray that you are both cleansed from any demonic residue from that nasty experience, I know as I have felt that sort of thing too.
    Blessings in Christ to you both.

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