Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Month: April 2016

Will You Pray?

Years ago I began intercessory praying.  I read a book entitled, “Rees Howells: Intercessor”.  You can read it free HERE.

After reading Rees Howells biography, I began focusing on intercessory prayer.  When people made prayer requests in the church meeting, or to me personally, I added them to a mental list.  I also prayed about the needs of people in ministry and our nation’s leadership.  I reached the point that I was praying for several hundred people.  It became a task to keep up with all the names and answers to prayer, so I purchased a notebook to record everything in.

Presently, Cheryl and I intercede for thousands of people each morning.  It is sometimes very difficult, especially when an emergency wipes out our prayer time.  However, for many years I have never failed, even when very sick with flu, to pray through the prayer manual each day.  I keep a copy of my prayer manual on my tablet and smart phone.

I mention our intercessory ministry here, not to bring honor to us, but to encourage people to pray.  Most professing Christians do not pray—they say prayers, and short ones at that.  If they would begin to actually pray each day for people who request prayer, they would develop an intercessory ministry.  Interceding for the believers and lost souls to be saved is one of the basic duties of a Christian. Continue reading

Sodom Wants it All!

What a firestorm in two states of our nation over the basic rights of what homosexuals call “straight” people (Is that an admission that homosexuals are crooked?)!  The issue is that LGBT individuals have decided that the ground they have gained in the past several years is not enough.  They want to go further and infringe on the rights of non-LGBT individuals.  This is what it has come to.  The issue is not about their rights, but our rights. Continue reading

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