Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Month: November 2014

Sin Problem in Ferguson Missouri

The rioters and looters in Ferguson, Missouri are incapable of understanding the terms shame or disgrace.  They may claim that they do by insisting they have suffered shameful and disgraceful social indignations.  However, if that were so, why did they commit deeds that epitomize those terms?  The sad truth is that they embraced shame and donned disgrace with pride.  Tragically, nothing I or anyone else can say or write is going to make any difference to them.  Their minds are closed to all rationale and reason.  Some of them, after they have consumed the stolen booze and hocked the looted merchandise, may reflect on what they have done.  But will they realize that they have behaved as natural brute beasts?  Will they understand that there is no furtherance of justice or recompense for harm done by destroying the livelihoods of innocent people?  Some of the individuals that lost everything to the rioters and looters were black and other minorities.  They worked very hard to achieve success in owning their own businesses only to have them annihilated by people given over to unfettered lawlessness predicated on perceived injustice to a man most of them didn’t even know. None of those people deserved the destruction of their businesses.  Not one of them was complicit in the death of Michael Brown. Of course, the same news media that are greatly responsible for this outrage put on their professional faces and ignore their complicity in the devastation of Ferguson.  They continue to focus on fabricated racism.

Our culture is now so fragmented by professional divisionaries focused on creating disunity that logic and reason are being destroyed.  

Had Michael Brown killed the police officer, the story probably would never have gotten coverage beyond the state of Missouri.  There would have been no public protests, no rioting and looting, and no other violence.  After the funeral, Darren Wilson’s widow would have suffered alone with her children.  None of the major news networks that inflamed and continue to inflame the situation would have dropped by for an interview.  The race baiters, such as Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, would have never mentioned Ferguson.  They most certainly would not have flooded its streets with their rancid and caustic verbiage.  The fact is that in this liberal oppressed society outrage concerning black on white crime is not permitted no matter how egregious and violent it may be.  Consider that O. J. Simpson committed a brutal double murder that would have made the most callused ISIS leader proud.  He was pronounced not guilty in one of the nation’s most twisted perversions of justice.  Where was the rioting and looting?  Where were the pseudo-humanitarians in the media inflaming the masses with outcries of injustice?

Our culture is now so fragmented by professional divisionaries focused on creating disunity that logic and reason are being destroyed.  A child holding a piece of bread resembling a pistol is expelled from school, but a 6′ 4” 300 pound man high on pot, full of rage, and fresh from committing a strong-arm robbery is not considered a serious threat to a police officer that he had already assaulted.  If logic and reason is abandoned when a thug is killed while assaulting a police officer, then how will anyone take seriously a legitimate incident where an innocent black man is killed by a rogue cop?  In fact, there have been innocent black men unjustly killed by policemen.  But there was no major hullabaloo from the race baiters.  Why?  Because their goal is conflict, not resolution.  Resolution puts them out of business.  Thus, they do not take up cases that the majority of people would agree with.  Race baiters fly to incidents where they can generate conflict.  They were waiting for a Michael Brown situation.  However, by repeatedly taking up the wrong causes and then destroying everything in sight when the plan fails, there is a risk of hindering efforts to publicize real injustices.

We do not live in harmony in this multiracial society because diabolical people believe that force and violence is the answer to everything.

The question must be asked, is this a black and white issue?  Are thousands of white police officers anxiously waiting with itchy trigger fingers to come across an unarmed black man so that they can get their jollies by blasting him to kingdom come?  Did Darrin Wilson rise out of bed that fateful morning and decided that he would gun down an innocent black man on a public street?  In broad daylight and in the presence of numerous witnesses?  It takes a paranoid, unreasonable, and racially prejudiced individual to answer “yes” to those questions.  However, that is what the race baiters such as Al Sharpton would want us to believe.  Here is the truth, not that anyone who has formed their opinion is interested.  It is not a skin problem, but a sin problem.  It is not a black against white issue, but darkness against light issue.

We do not live in harmony in this multiracial society because diabolical people believe that force and violence is the answer to everything.  Are they not narcissists?  Terrorists commit unconscionably brutal crimes because they believe their cause warrants such behavior.  Murders occur because people believe that taking the life of another person is necessary to satisfy their anger or malice.  Men rape women because they believe someone owes them gratification.  For the same reason pedophiles molest children.  People rob, steal, destroy, hate, assault, cheat, lie, curse, slander, lust, etc, because they believe they have the right to extract from other people what is missing in their own lives.  Race baiters inflame hatred in weak people because they have an insatiable desire to feed self-aggrandizement.  No amount of rioting and looting will eradicate hatred, but only fuel it.  Vengeance is a bottomless pit that can never be filled.  White hatred and racism cannot be defeated by black hated and racism and vice versa.  This world and culture must turn to God for the answer and solution to those issues.  Instead, they have turned to Satan.

It is a heart-wrenching glimpse into the depravity that lies just underneath the surface of this satanically influenced and altered society.

God is certainly not the author of such violence and confusion. The race-baiting reverends (so-called) in this unsightly fracas do not revere God. They are emissaries of the enemy of peace, unity, love, and all righteous. Christ Jesus declared that Satan came to kill, steal, and destroy. No matter how anyone spins the Ferguson, Missouri debacle, the entire world watched as the looters and rioters clearly manifested the works of Satan. It is a heart-wrenching glimpse into the depravity that lies just underneath the surface of this satanically influenced and altered society. The same spirit lurks in the hearts and minds of people that have been inflamed to believe that someone must pay for their material wants and desires. If it is not checked, soon the entire nation will be so divided in every sector of society that common sense will die and along with it common decency.

 We can either repent and ask forgiveness, or we can watch the demise of our nation.  

Vance Havener said, “No man can be at the foot of the cross and at the throat of his brother.”  We are a nation that has rejected God. How can we live in harmony when we live in rebellion and sin?  Rage and unforgiveness does not tolerate love. The only way love and respect can be reciprocated is if it is possessed by both parties.  Love of that quality can only be recieved from God. If we do not have that love, God’s word declares that we walk in darkness.  People in darkness hate the light.  It cannot be simpler than this.  We must love God to love one another.  And we cannot love God while clinging to sinfulness.  Ferguson, Missouri and the rest of this nation has a sin problem.  We can either repent and ask forgiveness, or we can watch the demise of our nation.  Those are the only viable options.  Every other option is either of Satan or a dirty bandage on a rancid open wound.

“If Rape is Inevitable…”

Coach Bobby Knight created controversy when he said, “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” Of course, it was an outrageous statement that divulged a narcissist with utter disrespect for women. But what if that philosophy is applied to other situations in life, and by millions of people? Can it be applied to murder? What about applying it to the death of a nation? It appears to be applied by the attitude of people that refuse to vote. I have heard and read variations of the statement, “Both (political) parties are rotten, so what’s the use of voting?” In other words, “If rape is inevitable…”

The fact is, our nation is being raped. It has been violated by individuals that intend to forcibly strip away every jot of dignity and decency, make Judeo-Christian values illegal, force Christianity to convert to the will of the State, destroy the traditional family, elevate homosexuality to natural and normal status, replace Democracy with a quasi-Marxist/socialist government, remove the second amendment from the Constitution, and the list goes on. The term “rape” is appropriate because the Federal Government now spies on its citizens, uses the IRS, a corrupt judiciary, and other strong-arm means to force its will on the people. Unprecedented abuses of power have occurred in the past 6 years that should make every decent American race to the polls to rid our nation of the pestilence. But how quickly and easily people forget.

The majority of registered voters, including many professing Christians, will not vote today because they wish to relax. Relaxation, comfort, and convenience, are much more important on this beautiful sunny day. Of course, there are those under a delusion who will vote for more buddy time with the crowd headed down a path to moral dissolution. No one can reach the latter group with the truth because everything is flipped upside down in their world. However, professing Christians ought to know better, They should have recognized the erosion of freedom, the disintegration of democracy, the corruption and ineptitude of the present administration, the ostentatious use of power to silence critics, and the egregious enforcement of immorality. However, many refuse to do anything about it when they have the opportunity.

There is a good reason for this passive surrender to oppressive violation of their freedom and Constitutional liberties. They have grown accustomed to someone else bearing and carrying out their responsibilities. They visit church meetings where they expect pastors to do all the work of making them feel spiritual and special. They go about their business enjoying life never considering the individuals who sacrifice and have sacrificed their lives fighting to keep our nation free. They live in a push button, instant gratification, electronic gadget-infested world where they can block out unpleasant thoughts of ominous and encroaching evil. Voting brings them back into reality; something that they refuse to tolerate even for a few minutes. They’d rather think, “If things get better, let someone else be responsible for that occurring.” Right! And if it doesn’t get better, just relax and enjoy it, “que sera, sera”.

Someone asked me, “But do you believe my vote really counts?” I replied, “Yes it does. For one thing, you’re not complicit with the forces that are bent on destroying America and Christian freedom. Further, you are exercising the freedom that many people died to preserve for you. Not to vote is not to do what is right. It is not to speak out against evil, but to give evil unopposed access to authority.”

I agree that inevitably this nation will fall to what Alexis de Tocqueville called “soft despotism” and eventually join the Antichrist controlled one-world order. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. But as long as Christians can do anything to delay or slow it down, we must do so. Voting may give us a couple of years of relative freedom to do God’s work. However, if the Democrats win this election, we will cease be a “government by the people and for the people.” America will die. Her eulogy should include the fact that she was not murdered, she committed suicide. To people offended by what I wrote, you may as well just relax and enjoy it. For why should anything I write spoil your delusion?

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